Навыки 360 – Как звучать достоверно (Часть 1)

Навыки 360 Модуль урока - Как звучать достоверно 1

Добро пожаловать обратно в Навыки 360 for today’s lesson on how to sound credible, or believable.

It’s election year in the USA, and you’ve probably been hearing some pretty big talk from the candidates. One of the most glaring problems with so much of these candidatesstatements is that of credibility.

Sounding credible means that people can trust you, and trust what you say. And not just because you tell them to. Sounding credible also means people will respect you and believe you have the competence to get the job done. Так, how do you make people believe that? What exactly should you say to sound credible?

Free Resources: Lesson Module | Quiz & Vocab | PDF Transcript

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