БЭП 51 – Использование расплывчатого языка (Часть 1)

Today is the first in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on using vague language. “Vaguemeans not clearly defined. Например, if you ask someone what time it is and they say “О 7 or so,” they are being vague. There are lots of reasons to be vague. Sometimes you need to be vague because you don’t know some information or because the information is not important. And sometimes vague language is just more polite.

В этих двух эпизодах, we’ll be looking at how to speak in a vague way, but different situations require different styles. You’ll have to use your knowledge of the culture, the people and the situation that you are dealing with to decide which style is most appropriate. Our goal is to give you the communication tools you need to succeed in different environments. In future episodes, we’ll also be looking at other styles of speaking.

You’ll be listening to Jen and Mike, two employees at Nexus communications. Jen is inviting Mike to a party.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1) What do you think Jen means byulterior motive?”
2) Is Mike a computer expert?

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