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В этой двухчасти Деловой английский подкаст ряд, мы будем изучать словарный запас, используемый при путешествии по воздуху, а также правильные и вежливые формы подачи запросов и ответов на них..
В этом эпизоде, наш путешественник Роберт прибывает в аэропорт, чтобы вылететь из Сиднея, Австралия, в Ниццу., Франция. Но сначала ему нужно полететь в Париж., а затем полететь из Парижа в Ниццу. Как вы слушаете, обратите внимание на фразы, используемые для вежливых просьб.
Premium Members: Study NotesDownload: Podcast MP3
Hi Thank`s for your great work.
I`m from Germany and now i`m able to learn English on my Way to work and other unused Time.
Many Many Thanks to you. It´s realy great Stuff.
I want to better my english for a new travel at usa ,them i want to be tourism teacher because alread study at college
hi please i want to nknow if there is any charge while getting your lessons i am very interessted in your topics but do not know how to get them.
Hi Boutaba,
All the MP3 podcasts are free to download :) You can download a podcast by ‘right-clicking’ the ‘download’ link just below the title of the podcast.
You can also sign up as a Premium Member to get access to all the transcripts: https://www.businessenglishpod.com/aMember/signup
Hope this answers your question.
Всем привет,
I love this website a lot and I am also a premier member.I want to listen Airport check in and making polite request podcast but there is no icon for listening as other podcasts have,I also want a transcript of that.Could you plase help me with this ???
С наилучшими пожеланиями
Hi Wiwek,
I’m afraid this podcast can only be downloaded. It was encoded at the wrong bit rate and so it won’t play properly in the flash player on this page.
привет! Thanks for your lessons. i just found this web yesterday and really enjoyed it. But i dont know why i could not find podcast, some online activities and transcript as well as i did yesterday with the topic “путешествовать: airport check in and polite request” would you mind to fix it for me? Большое спасибо! I really appreciate your kindness.
@ Tracy
В этот момент, there are no online activities for BEP 17 и BEP 26. We only started developing online quizzes beginning with BEP 42. We create quizzes for the older lessons when they are featured in an e-book. We will be releasing a new e-book for travel in the next few months and this will include Flash quizzes for all the featured lessons (including BEP 25 и 26).
hi all i live in mongolia.this web site helps me improve my english knowledge.good luck your colleques
Всем привет !
Really thanks alot for your efforts. Indeed it is a fabulous one. i hope thati can have time to follow up others.
i am lookinf foward to knowing that we makea chat here in order to make our learning interactiveone .