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BEP 48 – Cold Calling: Como lidar com objeções e encerrar a chamada

Este é o último de nossa série de podcasts de inglês para negócios em três partes sobre ligações não solicitadas. Na lição de hoje, você aprenderá como lidar com vários tipos típicos de objeções que um cliente potencial pode levantar.

Quando Steve pediu uma consulta pela primeira vez, Linda não concordou imediatamente, ela fez? Como você sabe, é normal que até mesmo um bom cliente em potencial dê uma ou duas respostas negativas, por isso é importante estar pronto para lidar com isso e “virá-los” com habilidade.

Hoje estaremos ouvindo a última parte do diálogo de ligação não solicitada entre Linda e Steve. Enquanto você escuta, preste atenção em como Steve contorna as objeções de Linda.

Perguntas de escuta

1. Quando Steve pede uma consulta, qual é a primeira resposta de Linda?
2. Qual é a segunda objeção de Linda?
3. Como Steve lida com as objeções de Linda?

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BEP 47 – Cold Calling: Esclarecendo Benefícios e Fazendo um Passo

Este é o segundo de nossa aula de podcast de inglês para negócios em três partes sobre telefone útil e habilidades de vendas: chamada fria.

Você sempre pode se tornar mais persuasivo fazendo perguntas bem pensadas e realmente ouvindo as respostas. Este princípio é verdadeiro quer você esteja vendendo um produto ou uma ideia. Na parte dois, veremos algumas habilidades-chave de venda: strategically clarifying and summarizing your prospect’s concerns and incorporating them into your pitch to make it more persuasive.

Onde paramos da última vez, Steve had just introduced his company’s services and asked Linda a needs analysis question. Now lets listen as he clarifies her needs and makes his pitch.

Perguntas de escuta

1. What’s the main issue or problem that Linda sees with her current system?
2. What does Steve mean by a “one-stop” service?
3. What does Linda suggest instead of meeting with Steve?

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BEP 46 – Cold Calling: Começando com um bom começo

Today’s lesson is the first in a three-part Business English Pod series on cold calling, the skill of making unsolicited telephone sales calls. Unsolicited means “not asked for.” So cold calling is the skill of making a sales call to someone who is not expecting you.

Cold calling skills are very useful in many parts of business life. To cold call successfully, você precisa ser persuasivo. And persuasion is fundamental to business success, whether you are trying to convince a customer to buy something or your boss or colleagues to accept your point of view.

In today’s listening you’ll here two examples, one bad one good. We’ll listen to the bad one first. Josh Knight of Nexus Communications International is cold calling Linda Darling, who works for the law firm Drucker and Smythe. So Linda is Josh’s prospect, or potential customer.

Perguntas de escuta

1. Identify four things that Josh does wrong.
2. What is Josh selling?

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Video Vocab 05: Lei 2 – Casos de tribunal

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Este é o segundo de nossa série de vídeo Vocab de três partes sobre a lei. Hoje nos concentramos no vocabulário usado para descrever as ações e as pessoas envolvidas em um processo judicial.

Vocabulário chave:
Processo judicial, tentativas, juiz, júri, testemunha, réu, inocente, culpado, declarar, testemunhar, deliberar, veredito, condenar, frase, multar & sentença de prisão.

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Video Vocab 04: Lei 1 – Vocabulário Básico de Inglês Jurídico

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Neste episódio de Video Vocab, vamos dar uma olhada no vocabulário básico relacionado à lei. Este é o primeiro de uma série de três partes: parte 1 cobre os termos legais básicos, parte 2 olhará para palavras relacionadas a um processo judicial e parte 3 vai olhar para o vocabulário relacionado ao direito comercial.

Vocabulário chave:
1. Lei (Civil, Criminoso, contrato, propriedade, Confiar em, delito, constitucional, administrativo & internacional)
2. Advogado (AmE = Advogado, BrE = Advogado)
3. Defesa
4. Acusação
5. Caso

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BEP 45 – Socializando: Manter uma conversa em andamento

This is the second in a two-part intermediate Business English Pod lesson on the basics of socializing and networking. Last time you learned ways to start and finish a conversation appropriately. Today you’ll be studying how to keep a conversation going by maintaining interest.

The listening continues on from dialogue 1 from last time: Como você deve se lembrar, it takes place at the Asia-Pacific HR conference for Multi-Fresh, a global producer of health beverages. Penny””an HR officer from Kuala Lumpur””has struck up a conversation with George””the regional learning and development manager. Onde paramos da última vez, Penny had just used a tag question”-Interesting speech, wasn’t it?" – to help get the conversation started.

Enquanto você escuta, tente responder às seguintes perguntas. The answers will be posted in a few days on the Questionário de audição page.

1) Near the beginning of the dialogue, Penny changes the subject. What was the old subject and what is the new subject?
2) Where has Penny seen George before?
3) What is George’s hobby?
4) What does George mean when he says “It’s not really such a big deal.”
5) Is Penny going to join George in next year’s event?

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BEP 44 – Socializando: Iniciando uma conversa

Today’s Business English Pod lesson is the first in a two-part series on the basics of social English: starting a conversation, keeping it going, and finishing it appropriately. Successful conversation is an important part of networkingthe skill of building up a network of contacts and relationships.

Nesta lição, you’ll be learning skills and language for starting and finishing a conversation appropriately. In the next, you’ll practice how to keep a conversation going.

The conversations take place at the Asia-Pacific HR conference for Multi-Fresh, a major global producer of health beverages. A beverage is a drink.

You’ll hear two dialogues. Em primeiro, Penny, an HR officer from Malaysia, strikes up a conversation with George, the Asia-Pacific learning and development manager. “To strike up a conversation” means to start a conversation, usually with someone you don’t know too well.

In the second dialogue, Pat, an HR officer from Australia, then tries his best to strike up a conversation with George.

Perguntas de escuta:

1) What office is Penny from?
2) What does Penny think about the speech?
3) Have Pat and George already met?
4) Does George have time to talk to Pat?

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Notícias de negócios 09 (M4a aprimorado) – Reebok lança campanha publicitária

This is an enhanced version of the first intermediate Business English News podcast on Reebok’s new marketing campaign. Now you can view pictures and text related to the article on your computer or video iPod (you should also be able to see the images on most video MP3 players and phones).

To download a set of study notes for this podcast ‘right-clickon this link, select save target and then choose which folder on your computer to save the file to.

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Notícias de negócios 09 – Reebok lança campanha publicitária

Today we’re introducing our first Business English News podcast for intermediate listeners. This will now be a regular show with new episodes each month. Most of the time, we’ll cover a similar topic to the current Advanced Business News podcast but the articles and vocabulary will be simplified to make them more suitable for intermediate learners.

The topic today is marketing and, in particular, Reebok’s new advertising campaign and slogan.

Vocabulário chave:
1. to launchto release a new product
2. Ad campaigna campaign is an organized series of activities and Ad is short for advertising.
3. to motivateto get people interested in something
4. take a swipe at somethingtake a hit at something or to make fun of something.
5. slogana short memorable phrase used to promote a product.
6. strategya plan or approach intended to achieve a major aim or goal.
7. competeto try and win a game or to gain an advantage over somebody.
8. competitorsother companies that Reebok is competing against.
9. purportedlyto claim to do or say something.
10. ties to something – conexões.
11. celebrity endorsera famous person who publicly promotes a product.

This weekend we will also release an enhanced MP4 version of this podcast with text and pictures.

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BEP 43 – Meetings English: Gerenciando a discussão

This is the second in our two-part intermediate Podcast de inglês para negócios series on opening and managing reuniões em inglês. No primeiro episódio, we looked at how to open a meeting. In today’s podcast lesson we’re going to cover how to manage the discussion.

Martinho, the GM of Daneline Singapore, is discussing with his staff how to make up a budget shortfall. He has just asked Sandra to kick off the first item on the agendaoutsourcing the cleaning.

Questionário de audição

1) How much money can Daneline Singapore save by outsourcing cleaning?
2) Does Sam like pizza?
3) Does Dave agree with the strategy of outsourcing cleaning?
4) How does Dave suggest dealing with the brochure redesign?

*** Esta lição faz parte do nosso EBook em inglês para negócios para reuniões: Fundamentos da reunião. Membros Premium Clique aqui para baixar o eBook completo.

Members: Study Notes | Quizzes | PhraseCast | Lesson Module

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