Notícias de negócios 04 – Estilo de gestão

Our Business English news story today is about the changes in management style taking place around the world.

After you listen to the story, we’ll explain some of the new English vocabulary and provide further examples of how they can be used.

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Notícias de negócios 02 – Consciência cultural

Hoje, mais do que nunca, o sucesso empresarial exige consciência intercultural e habilidades eficazes de comunicação intercultural.

Trabalhando, encontro, tratativa, divertido, negociar e corresponder-se com colegas ou clientes de diferentes culturas pode estar cheio de obstáculos. Um movimento errado ou um mal-entendido básico pode arruinar ou atrasar meses de trabalho.

Compreender e valorizar as diferenças interculturais promove uma comunicação mais clara, quebra barreiras, constrói confiança, fortalece relacionamentos, abre oportunidades de negócios.

Siga este link para ótimas dicas sobre etiqueta empresarial, costumes e protocolo para fazer negócios em todo o mundo:

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Notícias de negócios 1 – Comunicação no Trabalho

The first of our regular business English news podcasts for English learners looks at how people communicate at work and the different factors that can affect how communication takes place. The news story is followed by a discussion of the key English vocabulary and an explanation of the meaning of the words in the context of this article.

We suggest that you first listen to the reading and make a note of any words you are not familiar with. Then read a copy of the article and see if you can guess the meaning of the words by looking at how it is used. Finalmente, listen to the explanation and discussion of the vocabulary and see if you guessed correctly. You can get a transcript of the story in the Archives ‘Transcripts’ seção

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