VV 47 – Vocabulário Inglês para Manufatura 1

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Nisso Vídeo aula de inglês, vamos olhar vocabulário de inglês para negócios relacionado à fabricação. Empresas fabricam bens em fábricas, ou fábricas, onde eles juntam matérias-primas ou várias peças e componentes em um produto final. Cobriremos ideias como fabricação, bem como a linha de montagem, onde as mercadorias são montadas. Os fabricantes confiam no controle de qualidade, ou QC, para garantir a qualidade de seus produtos acabados.

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925 Inglês – Lição 2: Começar uma conversa

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Nos dias de hoje 925 lição de inglês, we’re going to learn all about how to start a conversation in English.

Sometimes we call starting an conversação em inglês “breaking the ice.” You can think of the “ice” as that initial silence between people. It could be between strangers on a plane or coworkers in a lunch room. And when we “break” the ice, we say something friendly to start a conversation. Então, como você faz isso? O que você disse? And what topics are best?

925 Inglês will be a new business English podcast for beginner and intermediate learners. 925 English lessons will focus on chunks of language and English expressions that you can use in work and business. Cada 925 English lesson will feature English phrases you can use in different situations and advice on why and how we use them in Inglês de negócios.

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VV 46 – Inglês para Marketing: o 4 Ps do mix de marketing (2)

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Nisso Business English vocabulary lesson, we’re going to look at the marketing mix, which is made up of the four Ps of marketing: produtos, price, place and promotion. We’ll look at the idea of placement, which is all about a product’s market coverage and how it gets to market through logistics and a company’s distribution channels. The final P is promotion, or advertising, which may involve public relations and marketing campaigns, including in-store promotions.

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VV 45 – Inglês para Marketing: o 4 Ps do mix de marketing (1)

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Nisso Business English vocabulary lesson, we’re going to look at the marketing mix, which is made up of the four Ps of marketing: produtos, price, place and promotion. First we’ll cover ideas related to the product, which includes differentiation and positioning. A company’s products must also reflect its branding. The second P is price, and we’ll look at ideas such as penetration pricing and loss leaders, as well as price points.

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925 Inglês L001 – Como dizer Olá (Vídeo)

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This is the video version of our first 925lição de inglês, a new series we’ll launch next year. Our first 925English lesson is about how to say hello to colleagues and customers in English. We look at three different situations: How to greet someone you don’t know, how to respond to a greeting and how to informally greet a colleague or friend. For each situation we provide lots of examples and you can practice the language with some short role-plays.

925English is a new business English series for beginners and lower intermediate learners that we’ll launch early next year. 925English lessons will focus on chunks of language and English expressions that you can use in work and business. We’ll look at language you can say in different situations and advice on why and how we use it.

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