This is the second in our two-part intermediate Business English Podcast lesson on opening and managing meetings in English. In…
In this Business English Podcast lesson you can learn English for opening and managing meetings.
In today's Business English Pod lesson, we'll look at clarifying what was meant, por exemplo, “What do you mean by…
This is the first in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on clarifying. To clarify means to make clear. In…
In this Business English Podcast lesson we take another look at the language used to suggest and discuss ideas in…
This Business English podcast is the second part of a two-part ESL lesson on making, rejeitando e aceitando sugestões. In…
Today's intermediate Business English lesson is part of a two-part series on making, rejeitando e aceitando sugestões em inglês. In…
Neste podcast em inglês para negócios, vamos nos concentrar no desacordo. Aprenderemos diferentes maneiras de discordar em inglês, from…
Esta lição de inglês para negócios é a primeira parte de uma série de duas partes que trata de concordar e discordar. In these two…
Learn how to give and ask for opinions in English. We'll look at the formal (ou cuidadoso) language used in…