This is the the second of a two-part Business English Pod series on working in multicultural teams in English.
Este é o primeiro de uma série de Pods de Inglês para Negócios em duas partes sobre como trabalhar em equipes multiculturais. In today's world, it's…
In this business English lesson we continue our look at how to ask for a pay raise in English.
Learn how to ask for a pay raise in English.
In this business English lesson we look at how to conduct a factory tour in English.
Learn Business English for reporting on the progress of a project.
In this Business English podcast we look at travel English for dealing with an airport security check.
In this business English lesson we look at travel English for going to a coffee shop and getting online.
In this business English lesson we look at sales English for making an elevator pitch in English.
Learn English Interview skills to taking part in a screening interview with a recruiter.