Nesta lição de podcast de inglês para negócios, veremos como explicar ou descrever um procedimento. We'll also look at…
A lição avançada de podcast sobre inglês para negócios de hoje é a segunda de uma série de duas partes sobre perguntas e respostas, ou Q&A…
In this Business English Podcast lesson we're going to take another look at making presentations in English with the first…
Today's Business English News podcast comes from an article on the recent positive statements by the CEO of Infosys on…
In today's Business English Pod lesson, we'll look at clarifying what was meant, por exemplo, “What do you mean by…
This is the first in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on clarifying. To clarify means to make clear. In…
Learn how to close down and summarize a presentation.
In this Business English Podcast lesson we take another look at the language used to suggest and discuss ideas in…
This Business English podcast is the second part of a two-part ESL lesson on making, rejeitando e aceitando sugestões. In…
Este podcast Business English News examina o tópico de empregos terceirizados. ”˜Offshoring' means to move part of a company's operations…