Notícias de negócios 09 – Reebok lança campanha publicitária

Today we’re introducing our first Business English News podcast for intermediate listeners. This will now be a regular show with new episodes each month. Most of the time, we’ll cover a similar topic to the current Advanced Business News podcast but the articles and vocabulary will be simplified to make them more suitable for intermediate learners.

The topic today is marketing and, in particular, Reebok’s new advertising campaign and slogan.

Vocabulário chave:
1. to launchto release a new product
2. Ad campaigna campaign is an organized series of activities and Ad is short for advertising.
3. to motivateto get people interested in something
4. take a swipe at somethingtake a hit at something or to make fun of something.
5. slogana short memorable phrase used to promote a product.
6. strategya plan or approach intended to achieve a major aim or goal.
7. competeto try and win a game or to gain an advantage over somebody.
8. competitorsother companies that Reebok is competing against.
9. purportedlyto claim to do or say something.
10. ties to something – conexões.
11. celebrity endorsera famous person who publicly promotes a product.

This weekend we will also release an enhanced MP4 version of this podcast with text and pictures.

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Notícias de negócios 08 – Celebridades perdendo apelo de marketing

Hoje temos uma matéria do Business English News sobre um estudo recente realizado por diversas universidades que analisa o “poder de venda”’ ou influência – de celebridades. Celebridade é outra palavra para pessoa famosa, como uma estrela de cinema ou esporte.

O vocabulário que discutimos neste podcast amplia os termos de marketing que abordamos em Video Vocab 04.

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Notícias de negócios 07 – Crescimento econômico da Índia

Today’s Business English News podcast comes from an article on the recent positive statements by the CEO of Infosys on the future of India’s economy.

India’s economy has long been overshadowed by the rapid rise of China and SE Asia. More recently though, attention has started to turn to India, who’s strong economic growth and skilled workforce have spurred interest. Many economists are now predicting steady growth at 8% per year with India set to become a 1 trillion dollar economy by 2008.

We use this article to look at some of the English words and expressions you can use to talk about economic trends and human resources.

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Notícias de negócios 06 – Terceirização

This Business English News podcast examines the topic of offshoring jobs. “Terceirização” means to move part of a company’s operations (usually supporting functions such as finance or HR) to another countryliterallyoff shore.Another commonly used term related to this topic isoutsourcing” – this means to use a different company to handle some supporting tasks. The key difference is that outsourcing doesn’t necessarily mean the work is done in a different country.

The topic of offshoring, or outsourcing work overseas, is certainly a popular one these days, and many people in Western Europe and North America are quite concerned that this practice will lead to less job opportunities in their countries. No entanto, our story details a report from a well know management consultancy that concludes these concerns may be exaggerated oroverblown.

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Notícias de negócios 05 – Reuniões virtuais

Como você conduz suas reuniões? Cara a cara, no telefone, por videoconferência ou talvez até mesmo usando VOIP/Skype? Bem, agora há uma nova maneira – reuniões virtuais, ou reuniões onde os participantes são representados por personagens gerados por computador.

Ouça como a IBM está usando o mundo virtual de um site chamado Second Life como a segunda melhor opção em relação às reuniões corporativas presenciais. Depois de ouvir o artigo, destacaremos alguns dos novos vocabulários e forneceremos definições e mais exemplos.

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