BEP 136 – Encontros: Fazendo um relatório de progresso

In this Business English Pod episode we’re going to look at making a project progress report during a meeting.

All managers need written progress reports from their staff, but it is often necessary to make a verbal progress report during a meeting. A verbal report can be thought of as a combination of a presentation and a question and answer session.

When making a progress report, you’ll need to start with the overall status of the project, and then go on to explain how much of the work has been completed, at what stage the work is now, what remains to be done and, claro, what problems might have arisen. Because the format islive”, people may interrupt to ask questions or make comments and you should be sure of your facts when you go into the meeting.

We’ll be listening to Angela, who works in the Operations department of her company. Blaine & Co. They plan to move to a new head office and the renovation, or preparation, of their space is currently underway. Angela has visited the new office and spoken with the key people on-site. Quando a caixa de diálogo começa, she is called upon to give a verbal report on the progress of the renovation.

Perguntas de escuta

1) What did Angela do to prepare for this meeting?
2) Will Blaine & Co. be able to move as planned?
3) Where will Blaine & Co. get money to cover the extra costs?

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BEP 135 – Inglês para viagens: Segurança do aeroporto

In this Business English Pod lesson on business travel, we’ll be looking at how to deal with security checks.

In recent years getting through the security check at the airport has become a chore. In some cities, the whole process can take fifteen to twenty minutes or more. This includes standing in line, sending your bags through the X-ray machine, and walking through a metal detector, which “detects” or finds any metal you might have hidden on your body. Most security checks thus require passengers to take metal items out of their pockets and put them on a trayor flat containerto send through the X-ray machine. Some countriesnotably the United Statesmay even insist that passengers remove their coats and shoes.

And of course it’s not just airports that have high securitymore and more tourist attractions arebeefing up” or increasing their security too. So negotiating security checks is a good skill to practice.

Neste episódio, Honesto and Alan are on their way home. They arrive at the airport late, so they are anxious about missing their flight. When the dialog begins, they have checked in to get their boarding passes. Now they need to go through security.

Perguntas de escuta

1. At the beginning of the dialog, what does the security officer ask passengers to do?
2. What problem does security find with Alan’s baggage?
3. Alan has to leave an item behind at the security check. O que é isso?

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BEP 134 – Inglês para viagens: Ficar online na cafeteria

For many people, visiting a café or coffee shop is a normal part of business travel, if not everyday life. Not only are coffee shops a good place to get a cup of espresso, they are also a great location to have a quick meeting with a customer, take a short break, e – most importantly for the business travelerget online to check your email. Many cafés are now equipped with WiFi, or wireless internet. So while you sip on your latte or your mocha, you can surf the web and keep connected.

But despite people’s attempts to make WiFi services user-friendly, or easy to use, they are sometimes difficult to connect to. Então nesta lição, we’ll not only look at ordering coffee, we’ll also practice troubleshooting an internet connection.

Para a lição de hoje, we’ll be rejoining our friend Honesto as he stops by a coffee shop at the airport. We’ll hear to Honesto ordering a drink and attempting to connect to the café’s WiFi. Enquanto você escuta, tente responder às seguintes perguntas.

Perguntas de escuta

1) What kind of drink does Honesto order?
2) Whatdealdoes the coffee shop offer Honesto?
3) Why can’t he get online?

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BEP 133 – Vendas e Entrevistas: Elevator Pitch em inglês

Neste podcast em inglês para negócios, vamos analisar como apresentar um argumento de venda de elevador.

Um discurso de vendas é uma apresentação criada para apresentar um produto ou serviço a fim de convencer as pessoas a comprá-lo.. Um argumento de venda de elevador é uma apresentação muito curta projetada para fazer a mesma coisa em 60 segundos ou menos e, muitas vezes, o “produtos” sendo apresentado é vocês. Um discurso de elevador deve ser curto o suficiente para que você possa concluí-lo durante uma viagem de elevador. O ponto principal é que você não está pedindo à pessoa que faça algo por você, você está dizendo a eles o que pode fazer por eles.

Na lição de hoje, estaremos ouvindo dois pitches. O primeiro é Jonathan, um estudante universitário visitando uma feira de empregos em busca do primeiro emprego. Então ouviremos Dominic, gerente de uma empresa de logística, faça sua apresentação para um cliente em potencial enquanto participa de uma reunião da Câmara de Comércio local.

Perguntas de escuta

1) O que Jonathan destaca como seus principais pontos fortes no primeiro diálogo?
2) No segundo diálogo, como Dominic chama a atenção de Graham?
3) Qual é a principal vantagem da empresa de Dominic?

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VV 15 – Inglês Financeiro: Falência da GM

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Para a lição final em nossas duas partes vocabulário de inglês para negócios série em vocabulário de inglês financeiro relacionado à falência, veremos o capítulo iminente da General Motor 11 apresentação. Um pedido de falência da GM seria classificado como a terceira maior falência nos EUA.. história.

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