BEP 138 – Idiomas de vela: Desempenho da Empresa (1)

Neste episódio do pod de inglês para negócios, we’re going to look at how expressões idiomáticas de negócios related to ships and sailing can be used to describe company performance.

The image of a ship is a powerful one in business. The ship is like a companya huge entity that must be steered toward success, maintained properly, and carefully guided away from dangers like storms and rocks. Employees are often seen as a crew of sailors, a group that must work together as a team. So sailing idioms frequently appear when we discuss business in English.

Today’s episode starts a two-part series on sailing idioms. Lakisha and Warren are two colleagues discussing the decline of Trussock’s, an engineering firm that has been faltering since a new CEO took over.

Perguntas de escuta

1) What are the major differences between Trussock’s old CEO and the new CEO?
2) What do Lakisha and Warren think will help change the situation at Trussock’s?

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BEP 137 – Tour da Empresa: Mostrando um visitante por perto

In today’s Business English Pod episode, we’re going to look at language for showing a visitor around your office or factory.

There are many reasons that someone might visit a factory and take a tour. They might be a prospective client who wants to see where the products are made, or perhaps someone from head office is on an inspection tour, or it could be an official inspection to make sure you are following government or internal standards. If it’s your job to give the tour, you’ll want to make sure everything goes smoothly. So in today’s episode we’ll looking at language for guiding people on a tour and pointing out areas of interest.

Estaremos ouvindo Ingrid levando Carl para um tour por uma fábrica onde são produzidos produtos de limpeza para GC. Carl é da sede da GC e está inspecionando a fábrica onde Ingrid trabalha. Seu trabalho é garantir que todas as fábricas da empresa estejam de acordo com os padrões e sejam capazes de atender pedidos futuros.. Quando a caixa de diálogo começa, Carl já chegou na fábrica e conheceu Ingrid, quem está pronto para começar o passeio.

Perguntas de escuta

1) A que horas do dia Carl chega para seu passeio?
2) Qual é o problema com a linha de produção de detergente?
3) Qual o papel do jornal na produção de detergente nesta fábrica?

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