BEP 263 – Socializando em uma festa de escritório 2

Bem-vindo de volta ao Pod de inglês para negócios para obter a lição de hoje sobre socializar at an office party.

Office parties can be fun, but have you ever stood there with a colleague and felt like you don’t know what to say? Maybe you’ve got a great working relationship, but outside the office it feels like a different game? Na verdade, good working relationships are supported by good personal relationships. The more we know our co-workers, the better our work can be. And the office party can be a great chance to get to know them better and build that relationship.

Então, how do we do that? What are some techniques for socializing at office parties? Na lição de hoje, we’ll look at paying, or giving, someone a compliment, declining a drink, and gossiping. We’ll also learn how to change the topic and introduce two people who haven’t met before.

Na caixa de diálogo, vamos ouvir Amber, who works for a pharmaceutical company. At a company Christmas party she runs into one of her colleagues Max. Max and Amber chat for a while before Finn, a new colleague of Amber’s, shows up on the scene.

Perguntas de escuta

1. What compliment does Amber give to Max?
2. What reason does Amber give for not wanting a drink?
3. Max and Amber are talking about work colleagues when Amber changes the topic. What topic does she ask about?

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