BEP 223 – Inglês Financeiro: Discutindo um Orçamento (1)

Bem-vindo de volta ao Pod de inglês para negócios para obter a lição de hoje sobre vocabulário de inglês financeiro and discussing a budget.

Budgets aren’t just for accountants. Almost everyone in business has to talk about money and how to spend it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a manager with a million dollar budget or a field tech just tracking your expenses. You’ll be talking about money and budgets.

Na verdade, talk about budgets is everywhere. Turn on the news and it’s not hard to hear people discussing budget “cuts” or budget “reductions.” You can hear about governments with budget “deficits” and budget “surpluses.” Everyone’s worried about money, and in business, earning more often means spending less. These are the topics you’ll hear about today.

Antes de ouvirmos, vamos falar um pouco sobre colocações. Uma colocação é um grupo de palavras que os falantes nativos costumam usar juntos. Uma colocação correta parece natural, enquanto uma colocação incorreta parece não natural. Por exemplo, in English we say “budget cuts” to talk about lower spending. But we can’t say “budget slices” or “budget chops,” even though “slice” and “chop” mean “cut.” Those simply aren’t natural expressions.

Você ouvirá muitas colocações úteis na caixa de diálogo de hoje. Enquanto você escuta, tente escolher essas combinações naturais de palavras. Em seguida, explicaremos o que eles significam e como usá-los no debrief.

You’re going to hear a conversation between two managers in the IT department of a large company and their boss. Kate and Harry are the managers, and Linda is the boss. They’re discussing the past year’s budget and how they spent their department’s money.

Perguntas de escuta

1. What does Linda want to examine first?
2. What does Harry say about the large one-time cost the department had?
3. According to Linda, what is finance concerned about?

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2 pensamentos sobre “BEP 223 – Inglês Financeiro: Discutindo um Orçamento (1)”

  1. I really enjoyed the trial membership!!!!

    As soon as I get my new account, I’ll buy the product on BEP!

    Pablo Luchetti, M. Sc.
    Buenos Aires

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