TC 04 Gramática inglesa – Condicionais

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Giz ‘n’ Conversa é uma nova série de vídeo aulas explorando tópicos avançados de gramática inglesa.

Nesta lição, Brian reviews the three basic conditionals: first (probable) conditional, segundo (improbable) conditional and third (past improbable) conditional. In the second part of the video, Brian looks at some common errors native speakers make with the third conditional.

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6 thoughts on “CT 04 Gramática inglesa – Condicionais”

  1. It´s the first time I visited the website and I am really happy because I found an easy way to learn and improve my english skills as grammar.
    Obrigado, it was very usefull.

  2. I like this website which provide abundant sourses for people to learn English.

    i love Podcasting too.

  3. great videos one comment to lucia arana when we use the phraseis the first timethe correct verb tense is present perfect for example is the first time I Have Visited the web site…..

    is the same situacion for me the first time and I think I wiil be back all days

  4. Pingback: Condicionais – If clauses | Escola da Rua Baker

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