BEP 43 – Meetings English: Gerenciando a discussão

This is the second in our two-part intermediate Podcast de inglês para negócios series on opening and managing reuniões em inglês. No primeiro episódio, we looked at how to open a meeting. In today’s podcast lesson we’re going to cover how to manage the discussion.

Martinho, the GM of Daneline Singapore, is discussing with his staff how to make up a budget shortfall. He has just asked Sandra to kick off the first item on the agendaoutsourcing the cleaning.

Questionário de audição

1) How much money can Daneline Singapore save by outsourcing cleaning?
2) Does Sam like pizza?
3) Does Dave agree with the strategy of outsourcing cleaning?
4) How does Dave suggest dealing with the brochure redesign?

*** Esta lição faz parte do nosso EBook em inglês para negócios para reuniões: Fundamentos da reunião. Membros Premium Clique aqui para baixar o eBook completo.

Members: Study Notes | Quizzes | PhraseCast | Lesson Module

Download: Podcast MP3

5 pensamentos sobre “BEP 43 – Meetings English: Gerenciando a discussão”

  1. Please can you help me to understand the idiom: to cut a lot of f….. (?) – to save a lot of money.


  2. Cut the fatmeans to get rid of waste. “We’re spending too much money on the Brussels office, we need to cut some fat.

  3. I think you meana little harsh“. Harsh means strong or aggressive. So Dave is suggesting that laying off the cleaning staff (due to outsourcing the work) is too strong (or harsh) of an action to take.

  4. what amazing web page!!! I’m really impressed with the quality of each podcast, I’ve felt working in different places and assuming a lot of roles as in real life!!!!

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