BEP 236 – Angielskie idiomy szczęścia i możliwości (1)

Witamy ponownie w Business English Pod na dzisiejszą lekcję angielskie idiomy związane ze szczęściem i szansą.

Some people have good luck, some people have bad luck, and some people have no luck at all. But what exactly is luck? And how important is it? Some successful business people will tell you that it’s very important. Donald Trump has said that “everything in life is luck.” But other people will tell you that luck is just what happens to people who work hard. w rzeczywistości, there’s an old saying that luck is what happens when “preparation meets opportunity.”

And opportunity is another word and idea we hear about a lot in business. Opportunities are the good chances that come our way. We can “seize” opportunities, which means we accept them. Or we can let them go. What we do with opportunities is completely up to us.

But whatever you think about luck and opportunity in business, they are both common ideas and words. And not just on their own, but as parts of common English idioms. And it’s these idioms of luck and opportunity that we’ll look at in today’s lesson.

You will hear a conversation between Jim and Oscar, two colleagues who are taking the bus home from work together. Jim and Oscar are chatting about their day and some recent developments in their office. W ich rozmowie, you will notice many idioms related to luck and opportunity.

Pytania do słuchania

1. What does Oscar suggest about buses after 5:00po południu?
2. Why does their colleague Ethan have “tough luck”?
3. Na końcu okna dialogowego, what does Oscar seem to suggest to Jim?

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BEP 222 – Idiomy sukcesu i porażki 2

Ta lekcja Business English Pod jest drugą z naszej serii na angielskie idiomy związany z sukces i porażka.

80% nowych firm upada w ciągu pierwszych pięciu lat. Te nie wydają się być bardzo dobrymi kursami, czy oni? Ale każdego dnia rodzą się nowe firmy. I każdy z nich zaczyna się od marzenia o sukcesie. Tak, motywuje nas możliwość sukcesu, inspiruje nas, i sprawia, że ​​codziennie rano chodzimy do pracy. A może to strach przed porażką?? Czy próbujemy dalej, bo jeśli nie?, możemy upaść na twarz i zawieść wszystkich wokół nas? Tak czy inaczej, sukces i porażka to dwie strony tego samego medalu.

W pracy i biznesie, prawie mamy obsesję na punkcie sukcesu i porażki. Pomyśl tylko o swoich rozmowach na temat byłych i obecnych kolegów. O czym ty mówisz? Dobrze, możesz porozmawiać o ich zdrowiu i ich rodzinach. Ale prawdopodobnie spędzasz więcej czasu na rozmowie o tym, czy zarobili już milion dolarów.

na szczęście, Angielski ma wiele świetnych wyrażeń do rozmowy na ten powszechny temat. Przyjrzeliśmy się kilku w naszym ostatnim odcinku, a dzisiaj dowiemy się dużo więcej.

W oknie dialogowym, ponownie dołączymy do Sama i Dylan, dwóch byłych kolegów, którzy opowiadają o własnych sukcesach i porażkach. Dzisiaj usłyszymy, jak Sam i Dylan rozmawiają o losach kogoś, kogo oboje znają, o imieniu Cameron Smith.

Pytania do słuchania

1. Co zrobił Cameron, gdy jego aplikacja do udostępniania zdjęć odniosła sukces??
2. Co się stało w wyniku braku umiejętności zarządzania przez Camerona??
3. Na co zdecydowali się inwestorzy Camerona??

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BEP 221 – Idiomy sukcesu i porażki 1

W tej lekcji Business English Pod, zobaczymy idiomy biznesowe w języku angielskim related to success and failure.

Every business has its ups and downs. And so does every person. Innymi słowy, sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail. Another common way of saying this in English is “You win some and you lose some.” Nobody wins all the time, even the great success stories that we read or hear about.

Think of a successful entrepreneur. Teraz, do you think that person achieved great success on their first try? W 99% of cases, the answer is no. Every successful businessperson learned through failure. Now have a look at your favorite business news site. You’ll see that almost every story can be put into either the category of success or failure. Businesses either grow or shrink but they don’t remain the same.

It’s clear that success and failure are important and common topics. And to talk about them, there are lots of great English idioms.

W tej lekcji, we’ll hear a conversation between Sam and Dylan, two former colleagues. They have just run into each other and are catching up on their recent experiences. W ich rozmowie, you will notice many idioms related to success and failure.

Pytania do słuchania

1. How is Sam’s work going?
2. How does Dylan feel about his recent investments?
3. What happened to the wireless company that Dylan was involved in?

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BEP 211 – Idiomy z angielskiego biznesowego: Zabarwienie (2)

Welcome back to Business English Pod for this lesson on angielskie idiomy. Today we’re going to be talking about English idioms related to color.

What do I mean by ‘colorful idioms’? I mean expressions that either use the word ‘color’, or mention a specific color. English is full of these expressions. We have color idioms that describe people, moods, sytuacje, zajęcia, and frequency. We even have some that relate specifically to money and finances.

Zgadza się. Color is important in all parts of life, including business. Just ask your tailor. He might advise you to wear a dark blue suit to show authority, a grey suit to convey security, or a brown suit to show openness. Więc, just as you should pay attention to color in your clothes, you should be mindful of color in your speech.

W dzisiejszej lekcji, we’ll continue with a conversation between Mike and Rachel. They’re talking about the possibility of Rachel changing positions, and her interview experience. W ich rozmowie, you will notice that both Mike and Rachel use several idiomy biznesowe w języku angielskim related to color. Make a note of these idioms, and we’ll go through the conversation again and look at what they mean.

Pytania do słuchania

1. Why was Rachel embarrassed at her interview?
2. What did Rachel accomplish that Mike is impressed by?
3. What does Mike think Rachel should decide about the job offer?

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BEP 210 – Idiomy z angielskiego biznesowego: Zabarwienie (1)

W tym Angielski biznesowy Pod lesson we’re going to look at idiomy biznesowe w języku angielskim related to colors.

Every culture attaches special meaning to different colors. But different cultures attach different meanings. Take the wordred” Na przykład. Po angielsku, kiedy mówimy “in the red,” we mean in debt or operating at a loss. But to Chinese, “redindicates good luck or gains in the financial markets. Więc, in English it’s negative, but in Chinese it’s positive. It could be pretty easy to make a mistake, either in speaking or in understanding.

Po angielsku, we can find idioms related to almost any color. But two colors are more common than others: black and white. W większości przypadków, black comes with a negative meaning and white comes with a positive meaning. W większości przypadków, to jest. In this series we will see one idiom using the wordblackthat has a positive meaning.

W dzisiejszej lekcji, we’ll hear a conversation between Mike and Rachel, two colleagues at a large company. We will hear them casually discussing some of their recent experiences at work. And in their conversation, you will notice many idioms related to color. Try to keep a mental note of the idioms you hear, and we’ll go through them in the debrief to explain what they mean and how you can use them.

Pytania do słuchania

1. What kind of mood was Mike in earlier in the day?
2. What did Dan do at a party?
3. What does Mike say is one positive outcome of the situation?

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