
BEP 133 – Sales and Interviews: Winda Pitch w języku angielskim

In this business English lesson we look at sales English for making an elevator pitch in English.

Czerwiec 6, 2009

BEP 123 - Negocjacje: Zamknięcie transakcji

Learn business english for negotiations and how to close a deal during a negotiation.

Grudzień 6, 2008

BEP 122 - Negocjacje: Pokonywanie blokad

Learn business English for negotiations and how to overcome the rejection of a proposal.

Listopad 1, 2008

BEP 121 - Negocjacje: Targowanie się

Learn business English for negotiations and how to bargain to get a good deal.

Październik 25, 2008

BEP 118 - Negocjacje: Odrzucenie oferty

Learn business English for negotiations in this lesson on how to decline an offer while maintaining goodwill.

Wrzesień 13, 2008