BEP 291 – Umiejętności wywiadu angielskiego 3: Cele i oczekiwania

BEP 291 - Angielski do rozmów kwalifikacyjnych 3: Career Goals and Expectations

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on talking about your goals and expectations in a job interview.

W rozmowa kwalifikacyjna w języku angielskim, you’ll surely have to answer questions about your experience and your background. And you’ll be trying to convince the interviewers that you’re the person they are looking for. But what are you looking for? And how does the job you’re applying for fit into your plans?

Your goals and expectations matter. Interviewers want to know that you’re the right fit for each other. So you should be prepared to talk about your plans and what you’re looking for. You should also be ready to talk about the industry, and about the company you’re hoping to work for.

Today we’ll learn some of the techniques and language you can use to talk about your goals and expectations in an Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna w języku angielskim. We’ll look at how to answer a question about career goals, and to answer a negative question. We’ll also cover how to show knowledge about the industry and ask good questions about the company. I w końcu, we’ll look at how to give salary expectations and talk about your intangible priorities, which means what you’re looking for besides money and benefits.

W oknie dialogowym, ponownie dołączymy do Ryana, who’s interviewing for a job at a software company. He’s being interviewed by Sandra and Victor, who want to know about Ryan’s goals and expectations.

Pytania do słuchania

1. What is Ryan’s career goal?
2. What question does Ryan ask about the company?
3. What are Ryan’s salary expectations?

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2 przemyślenia na temat „BEP 291 – Umiejętności wywiadu angielskiego 3: Cele i oczekiwania”

  1. vey helpful for interview skills , when u get this period to answer questions about goals and expectations , salary expectation , intangible profits that means you are closet to success .. congratulations ahead .
    in a real interview , we usually consider how to convince interviewer why I am the right person you are looking for .rather consider more about what I am looking for
    that is why many people get used to change jobs frequently .

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