BEP 224 – Angielski finansowy: Omówienie budżetu (2)

W tej lekcji Business English Pod, kontynuujemy nasze spojrzenie na słownictwo i kolokacje dla discussing a budget.

A budget is a plan for spending money. And you’ll often hear the word “budget” used as a noun. But “budget” is also a verb. We can budget carefully or poorly. We can budget not only money but also time. And how we budget can help or harm our business. If we spend too much money, we may decrease profits. But if we don’t spend enough money, the business may not grow or thrive. It’s all about balance.

A typical budget includes a long list of items that we need to spend money on. And in a budget meeting, you’ll hear people talk, or argue, about where to spend more and where to spend less. Więc, how do we do this? Dobrze, in today’s dialog, we’ll learn some of the common expressions we use when we discuss budgets.

Zanim posłuchamy, porozmawiajmy trochę o Angielskie kolokacje. Kolokacja to grupa słów, których native speakerzy często używają razem. Prawidłowa kolokacja brzmi naturalnie, podczas gdy nieprawidłowa kolokacja brzmi nienaturalnie. Na przykład, in English we say “budget cuts” to talk about lower spending. But we can’t say “budget slices” or “budget chops,” even though “slice” and “chop” mean “cut.” Those simply aren’t natural expressions.

W dzisiejszym dialogu usłyszysz wiele przydatnych kolokacji. Jak słuchasz, spróbuj wybrać te naturalne kombinacje słów. Następnie wyjaśnimy, co oznaczają i jak ich użyć w podsumowaniu.

Today we’ll rejoin Kate, Złupić, and Linda as they discuss the budget for their IT department. Kate and Harry are managers, and Linda is their supervisor. Ostatni raz, they talked about the past year’s budget. Dzisiaj, you’ll hear them making a plan for the upcoming year.

Pytania do słuchania

1. What does Kate say the finance department wants to focus on?
2. What is Harry’s concern about replacing the workstations?
3. What does Kate think can be changed to save money?

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