BEP 171 – Spotkanie ze sprzedawcą (Część 2)

This is the second of a three-part Business English Pod series about meeting with a vendor to discuss a proposal.

As we discussed last time, meeting with a vendor to discuss a proposal is partly about getting information and partly about negotiating a good deal. You need to use your soft skills to come out of the meeting feeling positive about the vendor and confident that you are getting as much as possible at the best price.

W ostatnim odcinku, we focussed on getting information through different types of questions. W tej lekcji, we’ll look at how to express concern about cost, how to introduce a topic with tact, and how to show hesitation in a negotiation. We’ll also cover asking hypothetical questions and approximating numbers.

Let’s rejoin Steve, who is hoping to hire someone to run language training, and Karen, whose company has bid on the project.

Pytania do słuchania

1. What are the advantages of a blended course?
2. What is Steve’s primary concern in this part of the meeting?
3. What can be done if the client isn’t satisfied with the blended delivery?

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