BEP 31 – Spotkania: Akceptowanie i odrzucanie sugestii

A new updated version of this lesson is available here.

To Lekcja angielskiego biznesowego is the second part of a two-part series on making, rejecting and accepting suggestions in English. W pierwszym odcinku, we looked at how to make suggestions. W tym odcinku, we’ll cover appropriate ways to reject and accept suggestions in English. Accept means to agree to a suggestion and reject means to disagree.

Jak będziesz pamiętać, the listening takes place at a sports shoe company called Stratos. You’ll be listening to Karen, a marketing manager, meet with three members of her team, Charles, Sven and Miguel. They are choosing a celebrity spokesperson for a new product.

*** Ta lekcja jest częścią naszej Biznesowy angielski eBook na spotkania: Najważniejsze spotkania. Członkowie premium kliknij tutaj, aby pobrać kompletny eBook.

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