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BEP 214 – Telephone English: Keeping in Touch (1)

BEP 214 - Telephone English - Keeping in Touch 1

In this Business English Pod lesson, we look at how to keep in touch with your colleagues and customers over the telephone.

Can you imagine doing your work without your phone? It’s a regular part of most people’s work day. Talking to people is a big part business. And the talking that we do is not always about work. Whether it’s with a client, customer, or colleague, the conversations we have on the phone usually have a social element as well.

There’s a very good reason for this. Good business relies on good relationships. And if you can connect with someone on a personal level, your work will be easier and smoother. And when that someone doesn’t work in the same office, that connection will often happen on the phone. It doesn’t matter if they are across the street or across the globe.

So what are the skills you need to keep in touch by phone? Well today, we’ll look at several important techniques, including cutting to work issues, asking someone about past and personal issues, and personalizing our sign-offs, or goodbyes.

In the dialog we’ll hear Susan, a shipping broker in Amsterdam, talking with Chris, a colleague in the UK. Susan and Chris used to work in the same office together, but now they’re in different countries and have to keep in touch by phone. Let’s listen in and see how they get along.

Listening Questions

1. What is the purpose of Susan’s call?
2. What past issue does Susan ask Chris about?
3. What does Susan invite Chris to do?

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Skills 360 – Mind your Language (Part 2)

The Skills 360 podcast is now available in iTunes: Free Subscription

In today’s Skills 360 podcast we’re going to take another look at how to mind your language and soften your tone.

Discussion Questions

1. If you want to soften your language, what words do you use?
2. How careful are you not to offend people when you express your opinions?
3. Do you like it when people express their opinions very confidently?

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Skills 360 – Mind your Language (Part 1)

The Skills 360 podcast is now available in iTunes: Free Subscription

In today’s Skills 360 podcast we’re going to have a look at how to use modals, imperatives, and requests, to moderate your tone and soften your language.

Discussion Questions

1. How do you feel when people tell you what to do?
2. How important is it for a boss to be polite to his or her employees?
3. How do you soften your language to make suggestions?

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BEN 18 – The Business of the Olympics

Business English News - The Olympics

In this Business English News lesson, we take a look at the economic aspects of the Olympic Games.

The Olympic motto ‘Citius, Altius, Fortius’ will be in full force this year as London hosts the 30th Olympic Games. However, it won’t be just the athletes trying to go ‘higher, faster, stronger’, but also companies poised to rake in the dough in what many hope will be a financial windfall.

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BEP 213 – Presentation English: Presenting Visuals (2)

Presentation English Visuals PowerPoint Charts and Graphs

In this Business English Pod lesson, we continue our look at brining your visuals to life during a presentation in English.

Have you ever had to stare at a complicated chart and wished the presenter would just give you the main points? Or have you had someone try to explain a chart and tell you exactly what you can already see yourself? There are better ways to handle visual information and that’s what we’re going to look at in this lesson.

Charts and graphs are very useful for presenting information, especially numbers. But you must learn to use them carefully. If you don’t, your presentation might not have the effect you want. That might mean it’s seen as boring, but it could also mean that you fail to convince someone of your idea.

So how can we use visuals successfully? How can we bring them to life? Well, last week we looked at some ways to engage your audience using analogies and rhetorical questions. This week we’re going to introduce some more useful techniques, including using descriptive language and stating the gist of a graph. We’ll also learn how to set up a new visual, interpret a visual, and state the implications of information.

In today’s dialog, we rejoin David, a manager seeking support for his idea to consolidate logistics by building a new facility in China. In our last episode, we heard David introduce his plan to the finance department. Today, David will be presenting more information and visuals to support his plan.

Listening Questions

1. Why does David talk about the cost of warehousing and shipping?
2. What does the cost benefit analysis chart show?
3. What does Alison say about the future of the company?

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BEP 212 – Presentation English: Presenting Visuals (1)

English Presentation Visuals PowerPoint

In this Business English Pod lesson, we look at how to bring your visuals to life in a presentation in English.

We’ve all sat through some pretty boring presentations. And in those presentations, we’ve all seen complex charts and graphs that tell us either way too much or nothing at all. For the most part, visuals aren’t naturally interesting or informative. It’s what we do with them that is important.

You can’t just put a graph on a screen and then explain each point on the graph. And you can’t put up a table of figures and then read out each column and row. What you really need to do is tell the story of the data and to bring the visuals to life. What should people focus on? What is the important number on the screen? What does the graph actually tell us?

Bringing visuals to life is necessary if you want to give effective presentations. We’ll look at how to do this today. In this lesson, we’ll cover several important functions, including using analogy, defining terms, using rhetorical questions, and highlighting key numbers.

You will hear David, an engineer in a manufacturing company. He’s giving a presentation to members of the finance department. His purpose is to explain a new plan that he hopes to get financed.

Listening Questions

1. Why does David ask the listeners about traveling to work?
2. Which important term does David define for the listeners?
3. What is David’s idea for shipping?

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Skills 360 – How to Say No (Part 2)

The Skills 360 podcast is now available in iTunes: Free Subscription

Welcome back to the Skills 360 podcast, today we’re talking about how to say “no.” That’s right, someone asks you for something or to do something, but you have to say “no”. That’s not always easy, but it’s important.

Discussion Questions

1. Do you ever have too much to do in too little time?
2. How do you feel when someone says “no” to you?`
3. What are some ways we can reject or refuse someone nicely?

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Skills 360 – How to Say No (Part 1)

The Skills 360 podcast is now available in iTunes: Free Subscription

Why is it so difficult to say “no”? Well, of course you want to be polite, and kind, and agreeable. And if it’s your boss who is asking you for something, you may fear losing favor or opportunities. And if it’s a client or customer asking for something, you might not want to ruin the relationship.

But what I want to tell you is that in many cases you should say no. And you should know how to say it. You need to be clear, firm, and honest.

Discussion Questions

1. Do you usually find it difficult to say “no” when someone asks you to do something?
2. Who do you have the most difficulty saying “no” to?
3. Why do you think saying “no” can sometimes be difficult?

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VV 31 – Business English Vocabulary: Supply Chain (2)

YouTube video

In this Video Vocab lesson, we’ll look at English vocabulary for describing some of the processes involved in managing the supply chain, such as warehousing, purchasing, and materials management. We’ll also cover more advanced concepts such as enterprise resource planning, just in time manufacturing, and quality assurance.

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VV 30 – Business English Vocabulary: Supply Chain (1)

YouTube video

In this Video Vocab lesson, we’ll look at business English vocabulary for describing the basic steps in the supply chain, beginning with suppliers, who sell materials or parts to the manufacturers that assemble products. The products then go to distributors, who transport them to retailers, where they are then sold to consumers or end users.

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