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BEP 257 – English Collocations for Discussing Staffing (2)

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on discussing hiring and staffing needs.

At the heart of every great company is a great staff. But how do you get a great staff? How do you make sure you have enough of the right people in the right places to make the business a success? These are important questions that you need to answer when discussing staffing needs. Not just because labor is one of the biggest costs for most companies, but because people are the real backbone to any business.

In today’s dialog, you will hear the speakers use many different expressions that we call “collocations.” A collocation is simply a natural combination of words. Native English speakers commonly use these collocations as “chunks” of language, because it’s actually easier to remember them as a chunk than as individual words. For example, in business you might hear the expression “fixed costs” for business costs that don’t change from month to month. People don’t say “unchanging costs” or “solid costs” or “same costs.” Those just aren’t natural collocations. Everyone says “fixed costs.”

As you listen to the dialog, try to pick out some of these English collocations and we’ll discuss them later in the debrief.

In the dialog, we’ll rejoin a conversation between three managers at a fiber optics company. The company is planning to manufacture a new product, and they need to decide how to staff the project. You will hear Carla from finance, Hank from HR, and Paul, the production manager for the new product line. Last time we heard these three talk about hiring new staff or bringing people over from another division. Today they’re talking more specifically about the number of people and costs.

Listening Questions

1. How did they get the lead engineer for the new venture?
2. How does Paul think the company can save some money on hiring for the new project?
3. Why does Hank think it will be difficult to hire new workers?

Premium Members: PDF Transcript | Quizzes | PhraseCast | Lesson Module

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BEP 256 – English Collocations for Discussing Staffing (1)

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on discussing hiring and staffing needs.

Any time we plan a new project, develop a new product, open a new office, or expand a business operation, we need to discuss staffing needs. How many people do we need? What type of work will they do? What qualifications do they need? Where can we find them? What will we pay them? These are all questions that must be resolved if we are to make sure we’ve got the right people in the right jobs.

As they discuss staffing, the speakers in today’s dialog will use many expressions that we call “collocations.” Learning collocations will help you improve your vocabulary and help you sound more natural in English. But what exactly is a collocation? Simply put, a collocation is a natural combination of words. It’s an expression that English speakers commonly use. For example, we often say that something “meets a need” or “fills a need.” That sounds natural. But if you say “take a need” or “makes our needs”, people won’t understand. Those combinations aren’t natural collocations.

As you listen to the discussion, try to pick out some of these English collocations and we’ll discuss them later in the debrief.

In the dialog, we’ll hear a conversation between three managers who work for a fiber optics company that is starting a new production line. Carla works in the finance department, Hank is the HR manager, and Paul is a production manager. Together, they’re talking about how to staff, or recruit new workers, for the new venture.

Listening Questions

1. Why does Carla think it will be difficult to bring in 15 new people?
2. What does Hank suggest about staffing the new project?
3. What kind of work does Paul say they will need to hire new people for?

Premium Members: PDF Transcript | Quizzes | PhraseCast | Lesson Module

Download: Podcast MP3

Updates and Demos

Our new ANDROID App now available – Download from the Google Play Store

Take a sneak peek at our new BEP Android app that will soon be available in the Google Play Store (most likely in the 1st week of October). The Android app design closely follows the new BEP iOS app and includes a login for BEP premium members to access all the lessons plus all the other features you’ll find in the iOS app.

Introducing the new BEP iOS (iPhone/iPad) App with member login

The completely redesigned BEP app is now available in the Apple App Store. Beside a new design, the app has been completely re-coded and includes a login for BEP premium members to access all the lessons.

BEP V2 Mobile App

iOS eCourse Apps with Member Login

Download the app from the Apple App Store: English for Meetings

English for Meetings iTunesArtwork

We have developed a completely new app template for a series of eCourse apps based on our existing eBooks. One great feature in the new apps, and something that many members have requested, is a login form for BEP members so that you can access the app without having to buy the lessons.

Along with the members login form, the app also features a new audio player (with the ability to slow down the playback speed by 20%) and progress quizzes for each lesson. The first app in this series is focused on meetings and we plan on publishing 4 more apps based on our eBooks over the next 12-months.



New Mobile-friendly Quiz & Lesson Modules

Take a look at all the new mobile-friendly quizzes and lesson modules already available: mLearning

We have created a new lesson module format based on the podcast audio and transcript. The goal is to present the lesson content in a study-friendly format with both the text and audio available in one interface. The lesson modules work great on desktops and just as great on mobile devices (iOS & Android). Check out these new modules on the links below and let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Quiz Module:

Quiz Module





Lesson Module:

Lesson Module





Resources for Teachers (via our training partner, Becourse).

Lesson Plan:

Lesson Plan





Teacher’s Notes:

Teacher Notes





Business English eBooks

Choose from five popular eBooks covering essential Business English Skills.

Each e-book contains:

  • MP3 audio lessons including an introduction to the topic, a role-play demonstrating the target language, a detailed explanation of the language with further examples, and speaking practice drills.
  • PDF study notes with a full transcript of each lesson, extra vocabulary and language exercises.
  • Online interactive exercises including listening quizzes, language and vocabulary practice and flashcards.

All e-books are Free for all Premium Members and can be purchased by non-members for $19.95 each or just $29.95 for both e-books.

or Premium Members: click an e-book cover to open the page and download the files using the content table at the bottom of the page.

Meetings Essentials for ESL e-Book features MP3 audio, PDF and online lessons on the following essentials English skills for business meetings:

  • Expressing opinions in meetings
  • Agreeing
  • Disagreeing
  • Making suggestions
  • Accepting or rejecting suggestions
  • Clarifying what was said
  • Clarifying what was meant
  • Charing a meeting – starting off
  • Chairing a meeting – managing the discussion
  • Interrupting and resisting interruption
  • Finishing up and action points

Presenting for Success for ESL e-Book features MP3 audio, PDF and online lessons on the following essentials English skills for business presentations:

  • Introducing your presentation
  • Signposting your presentation
  • Describing visuals and charts
  • Talking about trends and rates of change
  • Interpreting trends – making predictions
  • Using your voice
  • Pausing and stress
  • Summarizing and finishing off
  • Starting the Q&A
  • Answering questions
  • Redirecting questions

Business English News 29 – Wearable Technology

BEN 29 - Wearable technology

In today’s Business English News lesson, we look at the battle for the wearable technology throne. From watches to glasses, and clothing to health monitoring, the possibilities are seemingly endless for wearable tech. ‘Wearables’ refers to the electronic technologies or computers incorporated into watches, contact lenses, eyewear, bracelets, rings, clothing and more ”” all designed to be worn on the body.

Free Resources: PDF Transcript | Online Practice | Mobile Quizzes

Download: Podcast MP3

VV 40 – Financial English Vocabulary: Stocks and Shares (2)

YouTube video

In this Financial English vocabulary lesson, we’ll learn how stocks trade at a certain level, how they close at the end of the day, and how investors bid on shares. This may involve strategies such as short selling and flash trading. We will also cover ideas such as bear markets and bull markets and find out what a blue chip stock is.

Premium Members: PDF Transcript | Quizzes | MP3 Audio Only

Download: Podcast Video

VV 39 – Financial English Vocabulary: Stocks and Shares (1)

YouTube video

In this lesson, we’ll look at financial English vocabulary related to stocks and shares, which are one of several types of securities that are listed on exchanges. We’ll explore ideas such as brokers and brokerages, as well as stock indexes, initial public offerings, or IPOs and dividends.

Premium Members: PDF Transcript | Quizzes | MP3 Audio Only

Download: Podcast Video

Successful Job Interviews

English for Job Interviews eBook features MP3 audio, PDF and online quizzes on language and skills for succeeding in a job interview in English.

English Job Interviews eBook Course

  • Key Points to Consider for Job Interviews
  • Getting Started & Small Talk
  • Talking about your Previous Experience
  • Vivid Language for Describing your Abilities
  • Describing your Greatest Accomplishments
  • Discussing your Weaknesses
  • Handling Tough Questions
  • Asking the Interviewer Questions
  • Second Round Interviews
  • Comparing Candidates Abilities and Skills
  • Negotiating your Salary

Members: click a link below to view and download files (right-click to save to your computer).

Successful Job Interviews
Complete Set/ZIP
Course Introduction
Previous Experience 1
Previous Experience 2
Accomplishments 1
Accomplishments 2
Asking Questions
Stress Questions
2nd Round Interview
Discussing Candidates
Salary Negotiation

Skills 360 – Building a Better Vocabulary (Part 2)

*** Get all the Skills 360 lessons in our free Business English App for iPhone & iPad:
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Welcome back to the Skills 360 for today’s lesson on how to improve your English vocabulary.

So, you’ve found some great resources for studying English that suit your purpose. You’ve got a variety of listening and reading material chock full of great words and expressions that you want to learn to use. But how do you do it? How do you take those words and expressions and not only remember them but also make them an active part of your working vocabulary? Well, there are several things to keep in mind, and a few key techniques that you can use, as we’ll see today.

Free Resources: Transcript | Quizzes | PDF Transcript

Download: Podcast MP3

Successful Negotiations

English for Negotiations eBook, features over 4-hours of MP3 audio lessons covering business English skills of negotiating in English. Each lesson is accompanied by a detailed set of PDF study notes, including a full transcript, vocabulary notes and explanations, and language review exercises. Learning is reinforced with an extensive set of online quizzes and activities reviewing all the language and vocabulary covered in the course.

English for Negotiations

  • Key points to consider for negotiations
  • Tactical and strategic concerns
  • Vocabulary for describing negotiations
  • Establishing relationships with the other party
  • Starting off the negotiation and setting the agenda
  • Clarifying and evaluating positions
  • Declining an offer while maintaining goodwill
  • Bargaining and trading concessions
  • Restarting talks and overcoming obstacles
  • Closing the deal
Sample MP3 Sample PDF

Members: click a link below to view and download files (right-click to save).

Negotiations eBook
Audio Lesson
Online Quizzes
Complete Set/ZIP
Strategy (Part 1)
Strategy (Part 2)
Building Relationships
Starting Off
Evaluating Positions
Declining an Offer
Restarting Talks
Closing the Deal