Category Archives: Advanced

BEP 37 ADV (Study Notes & Exercises) – Presentations: Question and Answer (Part 2)

Today’s advanced Business English Podcast episode is the second in a two-part series on question and answer, or Q&A.

The listening starts where we left off last time. Nick, the new European sales director at Harper-Tolland Steel, is answering questions after his presentation.

Nick has proposed to retrain key sales staff at Harper-Tolland in order to boost sales after a disappointing new product launch. Where we left off, Cindy, the regional sales manager for Germany, is asking Nick how they will measure the success of the new training program.

As you listen, pay attention to how Nick and Nick’s boss, Max, deal with questions and manage the Q&A session.
BEP 37: Study Notes

BEP 36 ADV (Transcript) – Presentations: Question and Answer (Part 1)

Download BEP 36 ADV – Presentations: Question and Answer (Part 1)

Today, we’re going to take another look at making presentations in English with the first in a two-part series focused on question and answer – popularly referred to as Q & A.

This listening is from the Q & A session that follows on from our previous episode on closing presentations BEP 33. It takes place during a meeting of senior sales and marketing staff at Harper-Tolland, a global producer of special purpose steel. As we begin, Nick Fisher, the European sales director, is just finishing his presentation.

BEP 36: Study Notes.

ESL Business News 07 (Transcript) – Indian Economic Growth

Download Business News 07 – India's Economic Growth

Today’s Business English News podcast comes from an article on the recent positive statements by the CEO of Infosys on the future of India’s economy.

India’s economy has long been overshadowed by the rapid rise of China and SE Asia. More recently though, attention has started to turn to India, who’s strong economic growth and skilled workforce have spurred interest. Many economists are now predicting steady growth at 8% per year with India set to become a 1 trillion dollar economy by 2008.

We use this article to look at some of the English words and expressions you can use to talk about economic trends and human resources. The transcript and vocabulary notes for this Business English News podcast are available here:
Download Business News 07 (Transcript) – India’s Economic Growth

BEP 33 ADV (Transcript) – Presentations: Closing Down & Summarizing

In this Business English Podcast episode, we look at language for closing down and summarizing your presentation.

As we mentioned previously in BEP 101 (Click this link to listen to the podcast), a strong introduction is important to give your audience a reason for listening. Similarly, a strong conclusion is very important to leaving your audience with a great impression and giving them a clear message about what action to take.

So what structure should you use to close down a presentation? We suggest this simple format:

1. Give your audience a clear signal that your are going to finish.
2. Briefly summarize the main points of your presentation.
3. State your recommendation or give your call to action—let your audience know what you want them to do.
4. Finish off by thanking your listeners and inviting questions or discussion.

Transcript & Study Notes.