This is the second in a two-part Business English Pod series on handling angry customers on the telephone. In today’s show we’ll be looking at how to resolve the customer’s complaint.
Listening Quiz: (Click a question to see the answer)
1) How does Sandy show that he is actively listening to Steve?
In addition to the active listening strategies we reviewed in BEP 53, throughout today’s part of the dialogue Sandy actively clarifies Steve’s complaint. Through his high level of sincerity and attention, he gives him the impression that he really cares. This is also a kind of active listening.
2) What does Steve need?
Steve’s ultimate need is for a warm room so that he can get his work done. But it’s important to emphasize that Steve also has an immediate emotional need, which Sandy likewise does a good job of addressing: Steve needs to have his anger acknowledged, which Sandy does by empathizing, listening and clarifying.
3) What steps does Sandy take to ensure that Steve is satisfied with the outcome of the call?
At the end of today’s dialog, Sandy checks to make sure that Steve is satisfied with the solution, then proposes follow-up action: He’ll call back in 30 minutes to make sure everything is OK.