BEP 289 – 영어 면접 스킬 1: 경험에 대해 이야기하기

BEP 289 - 취업 면접을 위한 영어: 이전 경험에 대해 논의

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on talking about your work experience during a 영어 면접.

interview in english might just be one of the most stressful experiences in our working lives. 판돈이 높다, because there’s a job on the line. And it’s our one and only shot to show people why they should choose us over all the other applicants.

So how do you convince someone you’re the best candidate? 잘, you need to answer their questions, 물론. But you also need to look behind the questions to see what the interviewer is trying to learn about you. And you need to take the questions as opportunities to impress.

다행히도, there are techniques and language you can learn to help you make a great impression. You can highlight transferable learning from your previous experience. You can also highlight accomplishments and their impact as well as describing your personality. 그리고 마지막으로, you can show why you want to work for the company. 오늘 수업에서는, we’ll learn how to use these techniques in a job interview.

대화 상자에서, you’ll hear Ryan, who’s 영어 인터뷰 for a job at a large software company. Two managers from the companySandra and Victorare asking questions about Ryan’s experience and personality.

듣기 질문

1. What does Ryan say he learned at his previous job?
2. Ryan describes one of his accomplishments. What does he say was the impact of that accomplishment?
3. How does Ryan describe his own personality?

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BEP 22c – 전화영어: 문의하기

Business English for Telephoning BEP 22c - 문의하기

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to make an enquiry on the 영어로 전화. Making an enquiry means that you want to ask a question, or questions, to get information.

Getting information over the telephone in English can be challenging! You need to be very clear about what you need, and sometimes you need to ask the other person for clarification when you can’t hear or don’t understand. If information isn’t correct, or if it’s misunderstood, there could be big trouble. So it’s important that you learn good ways of making telephone enquiries.

What do you actually do when you make an enquiry? 잘, 시작하다, you will want to ask for information. That could simply mean telling the other person what you want to know more about. Sometimes you might also use an alternative choice question, likeis it A or is it B?” Giving limited options like that can help make things clear.

지금, what if you can’t hear the other person correctly? 잘, you might have to use an expression likesorry, what did you say?” to get the other person to repeat himself. And sometimes a word or abbreviation might not be clear and you might have to spell it out, letter by letter. All of these are ways of making sure your enquiry and the information is clear.

오늘 대화에서, we’ll hear George, who works for a company called Airtronics. George’s company is writing a proposal to make radios for an aircraft company called Cyclops. George is talking to Simon at Cyclops Aircraft to get some information he needs for his proposal. The telephone connection isn’t always clear, which creates some difficulty in the call.

듣기 질문

1. George asks Simon about “shipping,” or delivering the radios. What are the two choices George gives Simon about shipping?
2. At one point, George can’t hear what Simon says. How does George ask Simon to repeat himself?
3. Simon uses two words to make it clear to George that he means “XV.” What are the two words?

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BEP 274 – 영어 프리젠테이션 스킬 1: 시작하기

BEP 274 - Business English Presentation Skills 1

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on getting your 영어 프레젠테이션 off to a good start.

We all know a skilled presenter when we see one. It’s a person who catches our interest right away and connects with the audience. He gives us the information we need without droning on and putting us to sleep. He’s clear about his purpose, he’s organized, and he answers our questions.

But most skilled presenters weren’t born with those skills. They learned to be good presenters. And you can learn the same skills in order to inform, persuade, or motivate any audience. 오늘의 영어 프레젠테이션 수업, we’ll take a closer look at some great techniques you can use at the start of a presentation. We’ll learn how to get started, build rapport with the audience, and introduce a single key idea that can run throughout your presentation. We’ll also cover how to state your purpose and headline your key ideas.

물론이야, your approach to a presentation might be different depending on your audience. So today we will hear two short dialogs from the start of two different 영어 프리젠 테이션. 처음에는, we’ll hear a recruiter named Nick, who works for a medical supplies company. He’s giving a presentation to a group of potential recruits at a university. 두 번째 대화 상자에서, we’ll hear a finance manager named Diane giving an internal presentation about her company’s third quarter financial statements.

듣기 질문

1. What question does Nick ask his audience at the start of his presentation?
2. What is the key idea that Nick says his company is all about?
3. What does Diane say is the purpose of her presentation?

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기술 360 – 9 비즈니스 영어 향상을위한 해킹 (부분 1)

기술 360 - 9 비즈니스 영어 향상을위한 해킹 1

다시 오신 것을 환영합니다 기술 360 for today’s lesson on some quick and easy hacks you can use to improve your 비즈니스 영어.

비즈니스는 관계에 관한 것입니다, and relationships are founded on good communication. And while English may seem like a difficult language, being a great communicator and connecting with people isn’t rocket science. You can learn just a few techniques that will take your business English skills to the next level. And I’m not talking about learning a thousand new words or some obscure rules of grammar. The tips I want to give you are fully within your grasp right now.

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BEP 253 – 회의 영어: 의사 결정 회의 (1)

비즈니스 영어 회의 - 결정하기 1

비즈니스 영어 포드에 다시 오신 것을 환영합니다. 영어회의.

비즈니스의 성공은 올바른 결정을 내리는 데 달려 있습니다.. 하지만 좋은 결정을 내리는 것은 개인의 기술이 아닙니다.. 그룹 스킬. 여러 사람이 모여 문제를 논의합니다., 옵션 탐색, 따라갈 길을 결정하십시오. 좋은 정보로, 좋은 의사 결정 과정, 그리고 좋은 회의 기술, 참가자는 가능한 최선의 결정을 내릴 수 있어야합니다..

따라서 의사 결정 회의에서 어떤 기술이 유용 할 수 있는지? 오늘은 결정을 짜는 것과 같은 기술을 살펴 보겠습니다., 토론 초대, 및 참조 기준. 또한 문제 제기 및 추가 정보 요청에 대해서도 다룹니다..

대화 상자에서, 엔지니어링 회사에서 채용 할 기술 지원 회사를 결정하려는 사람들의 이야기를 듣게됩니다.. 스콧, 수석 파트너로, 회의를 이끌고 있습니다, Anne과 David, Kelly가 참여하는 동안. 이 그룹은 채용하기에 가장 좋은 회사를 찾기 위해 옵션에 대해 논의합니다..

듣기 질문

1. Scott은 그들이 대답해야하는 기본적인 질문이 무엇이라고 말합니까??
2. Kelly는 토론에서 어떤 고려 사항을 제기합니까??
3. David가 알고 싶어하는 City Tech에 대한 정보?

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