BEP 73 – 영어 숙어: 사업은 전쟁이다 (1)

Business and war. War and business. It’s no accident that many business strategies and management techniques were first developed in the military. Actually, it’s quite natural that we think about business competition in terms of war. Companies fight each other for market share. We strategize about how to win the battle. You try to attack my market position, and I defend it. Business is full of such war idioms. Though it’s not the only way we think about business, it is certainly the main way we talk about it. 그러므로, to communicate effectively in a business environment, we need to learn these war idioms.

오늘 대화에서, the management at Luminex, a producer of LCD TVs, is discussing how to respond to a attack on their market position by a competitor, Meyers. Traditionally, Meyers has been strong in the premium (high value) market and Luminex has been strong in the mid-range market. Recently, 하나, Meyers has tried to take mid-range market share from Luminex.

Pay attention to the war idioms that the meeting participants use as you listen. Don’t worry if they don’t make sense to you the first time you listen. After you’ve heard the idioms explained in the debrief, go back and listen again, and the dialog should be much clearer.

듣기 질문

1) The first two speakers talk aboutalways being on the defensive” 과 “taking way too much flak.What do they mean and what do they propose doing?
2) How does Jane’s point of view differ from the first two speakers?

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BEP 72 – 전화 걸기: 음성 메일 메시지

누군가에게 전화를 걸었지만 거기에없는 사람, 종종 그들의 음성 메일 “픽업” 또는 전화에 응답. 그런 다음 메시지를 남겨야합니다. 직장에서 전화를 사용하는 사람은 음성 메일을 처리해야합니다..

다른 사람의 음성 사서함에 메시지를 남기기 시작한 적이 있습니까, 그때 당신이 들었을 때 “삑 하는 소리” 소리, 당신은 무엇을 말할지 몰랐습니다? 외국어를 할 때, 준비하지 않고 말하는 것은 어려울 수 있습니다, 특히 대화 상대를 보거나들을 수없는 경우. 그러나 약간의 연습으로, 당신은 음성 메일 전문가가 될 것입니다.

이것이이 비즈니스 영어 수업에서 공부할 내용입니다 – 음성 메일 메시지의 표준 문구 및 언어, 다음에 당신이 여기에 “삑 하는 소리” 당신은 정확히 무엇을 말할지 알게 될 것입니다.

먼저 나쁜 예를 들어 보겠습니다. Justin Thomas는 Trivesco라는 운송 중개인을 위해 일합니다.. 중개인은 “중개인” – 이 경우 저스틴은 “신축” 브로커, 사람들이 새 배를 사고 팔 수있게 도와줍니다. 저스틴은 실비 피터슨에게 전화, 조선 회사 Schmidt와 Larsen의 관리자. 두 번째 예에서 저스틴의 동료의 말을 듣습니다, 마크 랜드, 보다 전문적인 메시지를 남겨주세요.

듣기 질문 (좋은 메시지)

1) Sylvie와 이야기하기를 희망하는 Mark Rand는 무엇입니까?
2) 그는 언제 Sylvie의 전화를받을 수 있습니까??
3) Mark는 메시지를 어떻게 긍정적으로 마무리합니까??

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BEP 71 – 합병: 사무실 가십 및보고 된 연설

This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson that follows some of the internal discussions that take place in a company going through a merger.

Today’s episode focuses on casual office conversation and gossip. Office gossip is a type of informal conversation in which we tell secrets or rumors about other people or other departments. Gossip is often called water cooler chitchat, since the water cooler is where colleagues meet by chance and discuss things that are happening in the office. You might also want to review some of our previous shows on socializing for more language to use in these types of conversations.

For the listening today, we rejoin Jack at the guitar manufacturer headquarters, after his short but difficult chat with his boss Jim. Jack is in the cafeteria when a co-worker meets him there by chance.

듣기 질문

1) What did Frances hear from Joanna?
2) Who did Michelle take off with?
3) Where does Frances tell Jack she has to go?

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BEP 70 – 합병: 나쁜 소식 속보

This is the first in a three-part Business English Pod series that explores the use of many different language techniques in the context of a merger. Today’s episode focuses on vague, diplomatic language and probing questions. Vague and diplomatic language was introduced in podcasts BEP 24, BEP 51 BEP 52, so you might wish to review those to refresh your memory.

게다가, we’ll be covering probing questions, which we first looked at in BEP 64. To probe is to explore or investigate, so probing questions are used to gather more detailed and targeted information. And I should also point out that there are two speaking practices at the end of this podcastan action packed episode indeed.

For this series, we again visit our U.S.-based guitar manufacturer, which has a production plant in Costa Rica. 이번 에피소드에서는, we find out that the company is merging with a larger guitar manufacturer. To merge is to join together. When two companies join together, we call this amerger.

The new owners want to cut costs, which might mean cutting jobs. 그래서, an important question in the mind of our old friend Jack iswho is going to be fired? We join Jack and his boss Jim, who meets Jack by chance in the hallway of the company headquarters.

듣기 질문:

1. Who will Jack be meeting with after his chat with Jim?
2. What city might the Costa Rican plant move to?
3. Why do the new owners want to move the factory out of Costa Rica?

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BEP 69 – 전화영어: 메시지 남기기

이 강의는 새로운 시리즈로 업데이트되었습니다.: BEP 69A 리덕스 & BEP 69B 리덕스.

사람들은 바쁘다. 사람들에게 전화를 할 때, 그들은 종종 당신의 전화를 받기 위해 거기에 있지 않습니다, 그러니 메시지를 남겨야 해. 그리고 거의 모든 사람이 때때로 전화를 받아야 하고 메시지를 받아야 합니다.. 전문적으로 그렇게 하면 고객에게 좋은 인상을 남길 수 있습니다., 동료와 상사.

오늘 우리는 전화 메시지를 받고 남기는 나쁜 예와 좋은 예를 듣게 될 것입니다..

저스틴 토마스가 Trivesco에 있습니다, 주요 조선소, 또는 배를 만드는 사람. 그는 Daneline에서 Sylvie Peterson에게 전화하고 있습니다., 운송 회사. Sylvie는 판매 및 구매입니다. (에스&피) 브로커. 브로커는 중개인 또는 협상가입니다.. Sylvie는 "신조선" 또는 새로 건조된 선박 구매 협상을 전문으로 합니다.. 에이미, 접수 원, 전화를 받다.

듣기 질문

나쁜 예
1) 에이미는 전문적으로 전화를 받나요??
2) 저스틴은 준비됐나요??

좋은 예
1) 에이미가 전화를 어떻게 받나요??
2) 마크가 무슨 일로 전화하는 거야??
3) Amy는 Mark의 정확한 전화번호를 알고 있는지 어떻게 확인하나요??

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