BEP 149 – 다문화 팀에서 일하기 (부분 1)

This is the first in a two-part Business English Pod series on working in multicultural teams.

오늘날의 세계에서, it’s common to work with people from different cultures. And since effective business depends on clear communication, it’s important to consider different aspects of culture. Your colleagues may do business differently than you do. 그래서, knowing more about intercultural communication can help your work go more smoothly and avoid any misunderstandings.

이번 에피소드에서는, we’ll go over some points to consider for working in a multicultural team. We’ll look at general business culture, specific business customs, levels of formality, and local cultural awareness. And since food is often served in business settings, we’ll talk about that, too.

We’ll be listening to, a manager at a biotechnology company based in the United States. Although Ming is originally from China, he has worked for many years at the head office in New York and is now heading to Brazil to manage a team of international researchers. 이번 에피소드에서는, Ming is preparing for his trip by talking to a colleague, Tanya, who lived and worked in Brazil for 3 연령.

듣기 질문:

1. What has Ming heard about Curitiba?
2. What does Tanya say about relationships in Brazil?
3. What honorary title does Ming ask about?

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BEP 95 – 의사소통: 갈등 해결 (2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on resolving conflict, in which we’ve been focusing on solving everyday disagreements in the office. Ben, a new training specialist at a manufacturing company, feels that he is doing an unfair share (그건, too much) of the work in his department. Gerry, Ben’s manager, talks with him to solve the problem.

첫 번째 에피소드에서는, we studied how Gerry opened the discussion in an informal, non-threatening way, and we looked at how he listened actively to Ben to win his trust.

이번 에피소드에서는, we’ll pay attention to how Gerry and Ben work together to come up with a solution. 특히, we’ll focus on how they state common goals, raise concerns, and agree action.

지난번에 그만뒀던 곳, Gerry had just asked a question to resolve the conflict: Gerry wants to know what Ben would suggest doing to fix the situation.

듣기 질문

1) What solution does Ben propose?
2) In which area does Ben feel he could make a real contribution?
3) What action do Ben and Gerry agree on?

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BEP 94 – 의사소통: 갈등 해결 (1)

People do not always get along, so dealing with conflict is part of any job. And as often as not, work disagreements get resolved as much as in informal discussions in the hallway, as they do in the conference room. 그래서, in this two-part series on resolving conflict, we’ll be studying useful language for discussing and resolving disagreements.

We will be focusing not on major conflicts between companies or inside organizations, but rather on the everyday sort of disagreements that all of us have to deal with to be successful in our work.

듣기에, Elegant is a company that designs and manufactures bathroom fixturessinks, toilets, 등등. Ben has recently joined Elegant as a training specialist. When he started, he was promised that Elegant would hire someone to help him with his work-load, but instead he is still doing almost everything by himself. He was also promised the opportunity to do some course design, but instead his manager, Gerry, insists on closely supervising all of Ben’s work. Ben feels like he is working harder than anyone else in the office: He is always the last one to leave the department in the evening. But he doesn’t feel that his hard work is getting recognized.

들으면서, pay attention to the language that Gerry and Ben use to deal with this disagreement.

듣기 질문

1. Gerry says he wants to “sit down informally and thrash things out a little.”
2. What do you think this means? A strain is something that is tiring and, perhaps, irritating.
3. What does Gerry say is “getting to be kind of a strain?” What solution does Gerry propose?

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BEP 65 – 영업 영어: 질문 기법 (2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Pod lesson on questioning techniques. Last time in BEP 64 we looked at making small talk and gathering information with open questions, getting specific information with probing questions and guiding the conversation by showing interest.

This time we’ll learn several more advanced questioning techniques, including direct questions, to get information from someone who is being uncommunicative, reflective questions, to guide the conversation, and hypothetical questions, to suggest possible action. Together these techniques form a series that can be used to drill down to the information you need.

기억 하시겠지만, the listening takes place in a customer needs analysis: Brad, from chemical coatings producer Forrest and Brown, is visiting his customer Andy. Andy’s company, Stratos, puts together circuit boards for use in consumer electronics.

끝에 부분 1 , Brad had just used a probing question to determine what exact kinds of products Andy’s company focuses on. When he discovered that Stratos was making a lot of boards for TVs, Brad decides to follow this line of questioning. As we’ll see, this is because TVs are a good match for Brad’s products.

The specific kind of TV they are talking about is an LCD TV, often referred to as a flat screen TV.

듣기 질문

1) LCD TVs produce a lot of heat. Why is this important to Brad’s sales pitch?
2) What are Andy’s main priorities in selecting conformal coatings to protect the circuit boards Stratos produces?
3) What are the main good points of the coating that Brad wishes to sell to Andy?

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BEP 64 – 영업 영어: 질문 기법 (1)

질문은 거의 모든 대화에서 중요한 부분입니다. 따라서 좋은 질문을 할 수 있는 능력은 의사소통에 매우 중요합니다. 질문을 더욱 효과적이고 효율적으로 만들 수 있는 방법은 무엇입니까?? 두 부분으로 구성된 이 비즈니스 영어 팟캐스트 시리즈에서 우리는 몇 가지 답변을 살펴보겠습니다..

우리가 배울 의사소통 기술은 어떤 상황에서도 사용될 수 있습니다, 하지만 우리는 질문 기술이 특히 중요한 영역에 초점을 맞출 것입니다.: 분석 필요. 이는 판매 프로세스의 일부로 고객의 요구 사항을 분석하는 것을 의미합니다.. 우리는 다음과 같은 질문에 사용할 수 있는 일련의 질문 기술을 연구할 것입니다. “드릴다운” – 그건, 도달하거나 밝혀내다 – 당신이 원하는 정보.

오늘의 비즈니스 영어 듣기에서 Brad는 Forrest and Brown의 영업 관리자입니다., 혁신적인 산업용 코팅 및 접착제 생산업체. 코팅이란 물건의 표면을 보호하기 위해 바르는 화학물질을 말합니다.. 예를 들어, 페인트는 코팅의 한 종류입니다. 포레스트 앤 브라운이 프로듀싱 “컨포멀 코팅”; 이 유형의 코팅은 인쇄 회로 기판을 보호하는 데 사용됩니다., 또는 PCB. PCB는 배선과 전자 부품으로 덮인 작은 평판 보드입니다.. 거의 모든 전자기기 – TV, CD 플레이어, 전화 – 가지고 있어.

오늘 Brad가 Andy를 방문합니다., Stratos의 생산 관리자는 누구입니까?, 생활용품에 사용되는 PCB 조립업체. Andy는 Brad의 것이라고 말할 수 있습니다. “전망” – 팔고 싶은 사람.

Brad가 Stratos를 분석하기 위해 Andy에게 질문하는 방법을 들어보겠습니다.’ 필요.

듣기 질문

1) Brad는 Stratos 시설에 대해 어떻게 생각합니까??
2) Stratos가 현재 위치에 얼마나 오래 있었나요??
3) Stratos는 어떤 종류의 장치를 위한 회로 기판을 생산합니까??

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