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Month Premium $80.00모든 수업과 자료에 액세스하십시오.Android용 회원 로그인.
어휘 정의 & 어휘 정의.
각 팟 캐스트 레슨의 PDF 사본.
어휘 정의 & 어휘 정의.
어휘 정의 & 언어.
모바일 친화적 인 수업 모듈.
어휘 정의가있는 대화 내용.
검토 및 연습을위한 추가 연습 MP3.
모든 전자 책 무료 이용.
2-년 프리미엄
저장 35% 쿠폰 포함: KICKSTART
Month Premium $80.00모든 수업과 자료에 액세스하십시오.Android용 회원 로그인.
어휘 정의 & 어휘 정의.
각 팟 캐스트 레슨의 PDF 사본.
어휘 정의 & 어휘 정의.
어휘 정의 & 언어.
모바일 친화적 인 수업 모듈.
어휘 정의가있는 대화 내용.
검토 및 연습을위한 추가 연습 MP3.
모든 전자 책 무료 이용.
pls help me learn business english.esp a lady teacher is most welcom since liguists say its more effective to learn a new language from a lady.
I am not so good in english for write a nice comment for you and explain my best wish for you. Thanks so much in advance to join you for learning english.
youcef Ladjadj.
I would like to learn bussiness english so that i can communicate with the others.
Thank first of all this opportunity
I would like to say that English is very important for every body, because in this time all of the world they communicate each other with English language .but for me I want to improve my English language again
i want speak english by professional way
if u can help me to achieve this hope
매우 감사합니다
My colleagues i want study these program if it is possible
정말 고마워요
Can I use in a windows phone?
@Maria Tigeras,
The short answer is yes. All our audio files are in standard MP3 format and will play on Windows Mobile OS phones. 비슷하게, the PDF’s should be readable on a Windows phone.
i want to understand natvie speak when native Engish is speaking i dont know what saying
every one know pleas help me about it
i dont know how to improve my native speaking though i studied a lot time english
hi i want lear english
Hello all,
it’s my 1st time here, I am v.happy to find this page, we are all want to learn English but each one of us want to learn English on his or her way, I think the best way to learn English is to know what we want to learn, a lot of us say Bus. Eng. but I think it depend on what we are working, I believe that learning any language need to LISTENING, it’s the best way to learn Eng. easily and to speak automatically with any one, I give 80% for listening, do you know why! because listening is very simple no need to write or read or to make Vocabulary schedule, as you know the native English speaker learned the language through listening not more, so we have not just to learn but we need deep learning.
Deep learning means that we to listen more than 30 times for each story or seeing movie, to understand the movie 100% will take time but its not impossible, see every day just 10 분. not more and 1st time see the subtitle 2nd time just listening repeat it every day for 5 times, and keep continue the next 10 분. you will find that you understand all the film without and help.
and good luck
my problem is to know how to speak english language correctly.
and also to write it correctly.
thanks and God Bless you.
dear all, I’m very glad to find this website. I have been studied english for a long time ,but i coudn’t speak so well since i have been lived in italy, 3 years ago now i realized that the english is very important and necessary for me, so i hope to pick it up again ! so let’s try our best together!!!!
i’m chiese girl , studying in italy ,l like travelling ,food delicious , esperince , enjoy the life ,스포츠 ,movies, etc anyway , nice to meet you ,all guys !!!
que chido gracias por tu esfuerzo y que buena serie
Dear friends, first i know English 80% but i could say the easiest way that English can be learned by every body is making practice with people and discuss. during learning English the body must ignore his own mother how to speak frequently i am so sure the one who takes that advise will success in learning englsih language.
귀하에게 / Madam
With Greeting, From last two weeks I start studying master in Japan Nagoya university, but i have problem in English writing skill, 대화, lessoning as well as reading today i approach to your website could please help me, to improve in these area.