BEP 410 – 합병: 통합 계획 논의 (1)

BEP 410 LESSON - Discussing an Integration Plan 1

다시 오신 것을 환영합니다 비즈니스 영어 포드 오늘 수업을 위해, the first in our series on integrating the operations of two companies. These lessons will focus on the conversations we have when talking about how to merge or integrate companies and operations.

There’s an old saying that strategy is 95% implementation. There’s no better proof of this than in the merging of companies. Coming to terms on a buy-out is difficult in and of itself. But once the agreement has been made, there’s the incredibly difficult work of making it happen.

Integrating companies requires us to think and talk about every aspect of business, from the nuts and bolts of accounting to the fuzzy aspects of culture. There’s a lot at stake, not just for the owners but for every single person who works for the two companies.

In discussing an integration, it’s important to lay out a clear timeline and to build in feedback mechanisms to ensure things go as smoothly as possible. You will have to bring up concerns effectively and suggest ways to smooth the transition. And you may find yourself referring back to previous agreements as you work out all the details.

오늘 대화에서, we’ll listen to a conversation between Alex and Michelle, two Chief Operating Officers. Alex’s company has just bought out Michelle’s company, and they’re meeting to discuss how the integration will roll out.

듣기 질문

1. What concern does Michelle raise after Alex lays out a possible timeline?
2. What previous agreement does Michelle refer to?
3. What does Alex suggest to ensure a smoother leadership transition?

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