BEP 37c – 프레젠테이션을 위한 영어: 질문과 답변 (2)

BEP 37c LESSON - English for Presentations: Questions and Answers 2

강의의 두 번째 부분 인 Business English Pod에 다시 오신 것을 환영합니다. 프리젠 테이션을위한 영어 and handling a question and answer session at the end of a presentation.

Presentations can be stressful. Speaking in front of the public, or even just your colleagues, makes even confident people nervous. And there’s one part of a presentation in particular that might dial up the nerves: the questions people ask at the end of your presentation.

그만큼 큐&ㅏ requires you to think on your feet. Some of the questions you get might be really difficult. 그런 이유로, it may be important to check that your answers are sufficient for the question-asker. 동시에, the questions might not even be relevant! So you’ll need a strategy for that situation as well.

Sometimes a person will ask a question that you think you’re not the best person to answer. 그 경우, you can figure out who to redirect the question to. And if this entire Q&A situation is stressful, well at least you have some control. You can control the timing, instead of letting it go on forever.

이번 강의에서는, we’ll continue listening to a Q&A in a meeting at a steel company. 새긴 ​​금, a sales director, has just given a presentation. He and his boss Max are dealing with questions from Bryan and Cindy.

듣기 질문

1. After telling Cindy about measures of success, what question does Nick ask her?
2. What does Max say about Cindy’s question regarding morale and how the sales staff are feeling?
3. How does Nick respond to John’s question about marketing in the U.K.?

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