기술 360 – 연말 보너스를받는 방법 (1)

Business English 360 - How to Get a Year-End Bonus (1)

다시 오신 것을 환영합니다 비즈니스 영어 능력 360 for today’s lesson on how to secure a great year-end bonus.

We all know that money’s not the only workplace incentive, but it sure is an effective one. Nothing beats a nice cheque at the end of the year to say “thanks for all the hard work.That bonus can help us enjoy the holiday season more, and feel better about heading back to the office when the holiday is over.

그래서, how can you make sure you get that bonus? Or how can you increase the size of your bonus? 잘, 가장 먼저, if you just started thinking about this now, you might be out of luck. You can’t just suck up to your boss in December and expect to be rewarded. If you’re looking for an easy workaround to hard work, I’m sorry to disappoint you.

And if you think that you deserve a bonus because you showed up on time every day and never ducked out early, then think again. If you make hamburgers at McDonalds, then your employer pays you for your time, in the form of a wage. But in professional settings, where people earn salaries, it’s not your time that your employer pays for. It’s your value.

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