925 영어 레슨 15 – 가족에 대해 이야기하는 방법

유튜브 영상

오늘의 925 영어 레슨, we’re going to learn how to talk about your family in English.

사업, and in life, everything is about relationships. And to build relationships, we often talk about our background and our personal life. 물론이야, you can’t get too personal, but family is a topic that everyone loves to discuss. For most people, family is the reason they work so hard in the first place!

925 영어 초보자를 위한 새로운 영어 레슨 시리즈입니다. 925 English lessons focus on English expressions that you can use in work and business. 마다 925 English lesson features English phrases and expressions you can use in different situations and tips on why and how we use them in 비즈니스 영어.

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