BEP 293 – 계획을 구현하기위한 영어 배열 (2)

비즈니스 영어 포드 293 - English Collocations for Discussing How to Implement a Plan 2

오늘의 강의를 위해 Business English Pod에 다시 오신 것을 환영합니다 영어 배치 ~와 연관되다 implementing a plan.

Everyone knows that you have to plan for the future. But many “plans” are only that: they are just plans. But a plan is only useful if it leads to action. 또는, as a wise man once said: a plan without action is a dream wasted. In order to not waste that dream, we need to implement the plans we create.

오늘 수업에서는, we’ll hear a discussion about how to implement a marketing plan. And you’ll hear lots of common expressions we use when talking about implementation. These expressions are called “collocations,” which just means a set of words that usually go together. 예를 들어, have you heard the expression “put something into action?” That’s a common collocation that means “to implement.” We don’t say “make something into action” or “activate something.” It’s always “put something into action.”

You can learn these natural combinations of words used by native speakers. Studying 영어 배치 will help you sound more natural and expand your active vocabulary. 오늘의 대화를 들으면서, try to catch some of these collocations, and we’ll go over them later in the debrief.

대화 상자에서, we’ll rejoin Carlos, Viv, Byron, and Marion, who are discussing how to implement a marketing plan. In the last lesson, they talked about some of their online marketing activities. 오늘, they’re going to talk about some other parts of the plan, including the timeline.

듣기 질문

1. Why does Carlos mention that Marion is a strong writer?
2. What does Carlos say about the importance of the CRM?
3. What does Viv think about the timeline on the CRM activities?

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