*** 모든 기술을 습득하십시오 360 우리의 무료 수업 비즈니스 영어 앱 아이폰 & iPad:
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다시 오신 것을 환영합니다 기술 360 비판에 대처하는 방법에 대한 오늘의 수업.
Criticism is something we all have to face. During a performance review, we have to listen as our boss criticizes our work. In meetings, people criticize our ideas. And every day we might hear people criticize us in the staff room and over the phone. We might also hear praise in these situations, but more often than not it’s the sting of criticism that lingers. And let’s face it: hearing people criticize our work, or criticize us, is never really easy.
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