기술 360 – 말조심 해 (부분 1)

그만큼 기술 360 팟캐스트 이제 iTunes에서 사용할 수 있습니다.: 무료 구독

오늘의 스킬에서 360 podcast we’re going to have a look at how to use modals, imperatives, and requests, to moderate your tone and soften your language.

토론 질문

1. How do you feel when people tell you what to do?
2. How important is it for a boss to be polite to his or her employees?
3. How do you soften your language to make suggestions?

Free Resources: Transcript | Quizzes | PDF Transcript

Download: Podcast MP3

3 '스킬'에 대한 생각 360 – 말조심 해 (부분 1)”

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