오늘의 비즈니스 영어 포드 강의에서, 항공 여행과 관련된 언어와 어휘를 살펴보겠습니다., 특히 공항에서 항공편 체크인.
아마 당신도 이런 상황에 처해본 적이 있을 겁니다.. 당신은 여행을 떠나고 있습니다, 업무상이든 즐거움이든, 그리고 당신은 이미 티켓을 예약했습니다. 비행기 타는 날이에요, 여행가방과 비행기에 들고 갈 다른 가방을 챙겼습니다.. 여권과 지갑이 있는지 확인하세요., 그리고 택시를 타고 공항으로 가세요.
그곳에 도착하면 가장 먼저 해야 할 일은 무엇인가? "체크인"을 하셔야 합니다.,"우리가 말했듯이. 따라서 올바른 항공사 데스크를 찾아 줄을 서서 기다리세요.. 드디어, 이제 매표소 직원과 대화할 차례입니다. 그녀가 당신에게 무엇을 물어볼 것인가?? What information do you need to give her? And what information is she going to give you? This is what we’re going to talk about today.
오늘 수업에서는, we’ll hear a conversation between Robert and a ticket agent. Robert is traveling to London on business. He and the ticket agent have several things to discuss before he can go through security and get on the airplane.
듣기 질문
1. What is Robert concerned about regarding his suitcase?
2. Where does Robert want to sit?
3. Why does the ticket agent recommend going through security immediately?
Download: Podcast MP3
this lesson is good thank so much i am so happy
It’d be better if the transcripts are provided. 따라서,the learners like me could see the notes,follow the sentence structures and remember the spelling of some useful vocabs …thanks you
There is a complete PDF transcript for each of our 220+ 수업. These are available to members, in addition to a huge library of online quizzes, games and extra resources. You can take a free trial to preview the transcripts, which also include vocabulary notes and language exercises:
dis is great…i need more help.if possible do snd me ur skype id on ma email plx.
@Marya – You can find practice partners in our Study Buddies group at http://mybeonline.com/groups/bep-study-buddies/ . Some students use Skype to practice with each other online. It’s free to sign up!