BEP 135 – 여행 영어: 공항 보안

In this Business English Pod lesson on business travel, we’ll be looking at how to deal with security checks.

In recent years getting through the security check at the airport has become a chore. In some cities, the whole process can take fifteen to twenty minutes or more. This includes standing in line, sending your bags through the X-ray machine, and walking through a metal detector, which “detects” or finds any metal you might have hidden on your body. Most security checks thus require passengers to take metal items out of their pockets and put them on a trayor flat containerto send through the X-ray machine. Some countriesnotably the United Statesmay even insist that passengers remove their coats and shoes.

And of course it’s not just airports that have high securitymore and more tourist attractions arebeefing up” or increasing their security too. So negotiating security checks is a good skill to practice.

이번 에피소드에서는, Honesto and Alan are on their way home. They arrive at the airport late, so they are anxious about missing their flight. When the dialog begins, they have checked in to get their boarding passes. Now they need to go through security.

듣기 질문

1. At the beginning of the dialog, what does the security officer ask passengers to do?
2. What problem does security find with Alan’s baggage?
3. Alan has to leave an item behind at the security check. 뭐야?

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2 “BEP에 대한 생각 135 – 여행 영어: 공항 보안”

  1. I just came across your website and wanted to say
    that I have really enjoyed listening to all the pods. Any way
    I’ll subscribing to your blog and I hope you post again soon!

  2. I totally love the pod-cast. This is a challenging one and I appreciate the effort of having a dialog. my answer for question number one would be, the security wants them to get their laptops out their bags, and shoes and jacket off, take the pockets out

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