BEP 124 – 여행 영어: 호텔 체크 아웃

If you’ve ever checked into a hotel, there’s one more thing you’ll definitely have to do before you leave, check out of the hotel and pay the bill. 그래서, in this 비즈니스 영어 팟캐스트 lesson we’ll be looking at some of the language you might use as you’re preparing to depart.

A while back, 에 BEP 55BEP 56, we were introduced to Alan Chan and Honesto Salvador, two employees of a US electronics manufacturer visiting the USA on a business trip. As part of their training they have made a trip to Boston and will also travel to a nearby plant in New Haven. We join Alan and Honesto at the hotel in Boston as they go to reception to check out and pay the bill.

듣기 질문

1. How does Honesto feel about breakfast at the hotel?
2. Who was responsible for the minibar charge?
3. Why does Honesto mention his club membership?
4. How will Alan and Honesto get to the airport?

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4 “BEP에 대한 생각 124 – 여행 영어: 호텔 체크 아웃”

  1. 핑백: BEP 125 INT - 여행하다: 자동차 렌트 | 비즈니스 영어 포드 :: 비즈니스 영어를 배우세요

  2. This is a very useful site. I always just expect people to speak English when I travel abroad. But I do like integrating, when you see the smile when you say something in their native language always brings pleasure to me.

  3. i am not a native speaker,and i really want a partner who can practice english with me, i am a little afraid of speaking english in person ,online chatting maybe better for me .i decided to take the BEC test this year ,god bless me.

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