비즈니스 뉴스 07 – 인도의 경제 성장

Today’s Business English News podcast comes from an article on the recent positive statements by the CEO of Infosys on the future of India’s economy.

India’s economy has long been overshadowed by the rapid rise of China and SE Asia. More recently though, attention has started to turn to India, who’s strong economic growth and skilled workforce have spurred interest. Many economists are now predicting steady growth at 8% per year with India set to become a 1 trillion dollar economy by 2008.

We use this article to look at some of the English words and expressions you can use to talk about economic trends and human resources.

PDF Transcript: Study Notes

Download: Podcast MP3

9 “비즈니스 뉴스”에 대한 생각 07 – 인도의 경제 성장”

  1. 핑백: 앨런

  2. 핑백: Ross

  3. 핑백: Kamath

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