BEP 27 – 회의: 영어로 의견 제공

For an updated lesson on 영어로 의견 표현, 체크 아웃:
BEP 327 – 영어로 의견 표현

In this intermediate 비즈니스 영어 팟 레슨, we look at ways to give and ask for opinions. We’ll be looking at the formal (또는 조심) language often used in meetings, as well as the more informal (or direct) language used in casual discussions.

This lesson is the first in a regular series of intermediate level podcasts focused on functional Business English language. Each podcasts will introduce and explain how to use a particular type, or function, of language (예 :. expressing an opinion, making a suggestion or clarifying information etc.). These podcasts are also designed to support our more challenging advanced level episodes by breaking down the featured language into smaller, more easily understood chunks.

The team wishes all our listeners a successful and rewarding New Year and we look forward to bringing you many more Business English Podcasts in the months to come.

*** 이 수업은 우리의 일부입니다 비즈니스 영어 전자 책 회의용: 회의 필수사항. 프리미엄 회원 다운로드하려면 여기를 클릭하십시오 완전한 전자 책.

Members: Study Notes | Online Practice | PhraseCast | Lesson Module

Download: Podcast MP3

Here’s a preview of this lesson in video format from our Business English Kickstart course:

유튜브 영상

3 “BEP에 대한 생각 27 – 회의: 영어로 의견 제공”

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