へようこそ ビジネス英語ポッド: The Business English trainer you can put in your pocket. Download over 450 MP3 and video podcast lessons on essential language for meetings, プレゼンテーション, 電話をかける, 交渉, トラベル, 社交ともっとたくさん. Make real progress with your language skills using the detailed study notes and online activities available to members.
If you choose to join ourプレミアム会員community, you will get access to detailed PDF study notes, 完全な筆記録を含む, 各レッスンの語彙と言語の復習問題. Practice quizzes, lesson modules and vocabulary flashcards are also available toプレミアム会員.
Complete PDF transcript of each podcast lesson
Online activities to practice listening and language skills