Learning business English can be challenging, だが ビジネス英語ポッドis here to help. From marketing and finance to human resources and tech, Business English Pod covers a huge range of topics and language, helping you to communicate clearly and confidently in business. Our podcast lessons are made for intermediate and advanced English learners who want to improve their English communication skills.
Business English Pod lesson focus on workplace skills, such as meetings, プレゼンテーション, or negotiating, and includes language functions like clarifying, 同意しない, and persuasion. The MP3 and video lessons include clear explanations of the target language, 単語, イディオム, and useful phrases, followed by a short practice and review section. You can download the lessons directly from our website or through mobile apps, or transfer them to your mobile device using free podcast software.
しかし、それだけではありません – by signing up for our premium membership, you’ll gain access to even more resources to help you succeed. Premium members have access to detailed PDF study notes, 完全な筆記録を含む, フレーズの例, 単語, and language exercises. プラス, there are online quizzes and glossaries available for every lesson. Don’t miss out –取る 無料試用 今日から始めましょう!
以来 2006, we have been a leading provider of mobile-friendly learning resources for business English with over 100 100万レッスンのダウンロード. 教師, 学校, 企業, and individual learners around the world rely on BEP to improve their business English.
Our business English lessons cover a wide range of useful topics, 状況とスキル, 含む: プレゼンテーション, 電話をかける, 交渉, 社交, トラベル, ミーティング, インタビュー, 会話, もっと. 私たちの目標は、自然で効果的な言語を教えることです. 私たちは、学習者が英語の能力に自信を持ってさまざまなビジネスや仕事の状況に直面できるようにしたいと考えています.