Transposh.js is not even being loaded on your pages, so I assume it can’t really work
Ofer Wald, Founder Transposh
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On Tue, ジュン 27, 2023 で 8:23 PM Peter Atkinsonwrote: From: Peter AtkinsonSubject: Translations stopped working.
Message Body:
Just noticed that automatic translations stopped working on our site in March this year. Recent post are only partial translated (mainly only the post title, which I’m guessing is from existing translation strings), 例えば:
My IT support didn’t see any errors when updating a post, but in wp-post edit screen, all I see on publish in the Transposh panel is: Publication happened – loading phrases list… In this window, i used to see a scrolling display of translated text.
I haven’t changed any settings in Transposh admin for years. I set up a Google API years ago, but I do notice on the Translation Engines tab that none of the engines are selectable.
ip: agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.2 Safari/605.1.15
— Transposh – Breaking language barriers