就職の面接は機会であり挑戦でもある. そして直面している 英語面接 自信を持って特定のスキルと言語が必要です. 今日のレッスンで, 2人のインタビュー対象者がこれらのスキルと言語のいくつかを実証していると聞きます. They’ll use chunks of natural language that we call “collocations” to talk about their abilities.
しかし、正確には「コロケーション」とは?” Well it’s a combination of words that often go together. 常に個々の単語を学ぶのではなく, あなたはこれらの自然な言語の塊を学ぶことができます. Think about the noun “career.” Do you say “follow” a career “at” something? 番号, we say “pursue a career in something.” That’s a collocation, あなたはそれらの単語を自然な組み合わせとして一緒に学ぶべきです.
Originally named for their rarity, technology “unicorns” are now as common as cats and dogs. As the number of companies hitting the $1bn valuation mark that defines a unicorn skyrockets, it’s easy for investors to be giddy with excitement. だが, as City AM points out, these magical creatures may be too good to be true:
The so-called “unicorns” are being targeted by traders betting their share prices will fall. Named because of their mythical, elusive status, the number of unicorns running around has been enough to garner speculation that many of these firms are overvalued.
この中で ビジネス英語ボキャブラリーレッスン, マーケティングミックスを見ていきます, マーケティングの 4 つの P で構成されています: 製品, 価格, 場所とプロモーション. We’ll look at the idea of placement, which is all about a product’s market coverage and how it gets to market through logistics and a company’s distribution channels. The final P is promotion, or advertising, which may involve public relations and marketing campaigns, including in-store promotions.