
BEP 128 –電話: 営業電話への対応


4月 4, 2009

BEP 120 –電話: 注文の確認


10月 18, 2008

BEP 93 – 営業英語: 注文を受ける

このビジネス英語ポッドレッスン, we'll be focusing on the language of taking an order and discussing standard terms,

4月 19, 2008

BEP 92 – 営業英語: 特徴, メリット, 利点 (またはFABプレゼンテーション)

このビジネス英語ポッドキャストのレッスンでは, we're going to look at the "classic sales" approach to selling products and services…

4月 12, 2008

BEP 85 – 営業英語: 非公式の製品プレゼンテーション

In today's Business English Podcast, we explore the English for sales language for presenting your products and services to potential…

2月 16, 2008

BEP 84 – 営業英語: 現地視察

There are many different kinds of sites. We often speak of construction sites, a site where something is being built…

2月 10, 2008

BEP 65 – Sales English: 質問テクニック (2)

This is the second in a two-part English for sales series on questioning techniques. We'll learn several more advanced questioning…

9月 8, 2007

BEP 64 – Sales English: 質問テクニック (1)

In today's Business English listening we'll look at sales English and questioning techniques for people involved in sales.

9月 1, 2007