ESL ポッドキャスト

BEP 83 – English Job Interviews: Previous Experience (2)

BEP 83 –英語の就職の面接: 過去の経験 (2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast series on discussing previous experience in workplace English job interviews.…

2月 2, 2008

BEP 82 – English for Job Interviews: 過去の経験 (1)

This is the first in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on discussing previous experience in a job interview in…

1月 27, 2008

BEP 80 – Travel English: ホテルへのチェックイン

Checking in to hotels is another important part of travel, whether it's for business or for pleasure. This episode follows…

1月 13, 2008

BEP 79 – Travel: ホテル予約

Today's Business English Podcast lesson is on making a hotel reservation.

1月 6, 2008

BEP 78 – Socializing: 政治について議論する

They say there's one rule of conversation that you should always follow in business - don't talk about politics, sex…

12月 29, 2007

BEP 106e – Presenting for Success: あなたの声を使う


12月 23, 2007

BEP 77 – カジュアルな英語: 仕事帰りの社交

This Business English Podcast lesson looks at English for socializing you can use in more casual situations with your work…

12月 16, 2007

BEP 76 - 業績評価: 目標を設定する (2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Pod lesson on job performance appraisals. 最初のレッスンでは, we…

12月 8, 2007

BEP 75 - 業績評価: フィードバックを与える (1)

This is the first in a two-part Business English lesson that focuses on structure, skill and diplomacy in performance appraisals.…

12月 2, 2007

BEP 74 – English Idioms: ビジネスは戦争 (2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Pod series on war idioms. ビジネスのどこを見ても, you…

11月 24, 2007