ビジネスニュース 10 – ViacomがYouTubeを訴える 1 10億ドル

今日は、最近よくニュースになっている会社についてのビジネス英語ニュース記事を取り上げます。 – YouTube. 特に, 法律と法律用語に関するビデオ語彙シリーズで取り上げた重要な語彙の一部を更新して説明します。:

ビデオ語彙 04 – 基本的な法的用語
ビデオ語彙 05 – 裁判例
ビデオ語彙 06 – 商法

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BEP 50 – 否定的な返信を和らげる (一部 2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on softening negative replies. Last time you worked on softening negative replies in conversation to keep the atmosphere friendly and cooperative. また, you practiced refusing an offer of help and letting someone down gently.

今日, we’ll be looking at refusing and disagreeing politely.

All these skills form part of a soft or gentle speaking style, which should form part of your communicative repertoire or toolbox.


1) Why is the GM of Avitek unable to meet with Nick on Thursday.
2) How is the weather in Kiev?

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BEP 49 – 否定的な返信を和らげる (一部 1)

This is the first in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on softening negative repliessaying “番号” politely.

“番号” is one of the strongest words in any language. Because it carries so much force, “番号” is hard to say politely. Yet giving a negative reply, disagreeing or refusing a request are all things we have to do on a daily basis. So it’s important to learn how to say “番号” in a way that enables you to maintain good relationships. In many cases this requires you to take a softer and more indirect approach. So today we’ll work on ways to soften negative replies in a variety of everyday situations.

In the dialog we meet up again with Nicholas Fisher, the European sales director for Harper-Tolland from BEP 35 そして 36. He is flying into Kiev to support local sales staff by meeting with a large potential customer, Avitek. This is a Ukrainian company that manufactures cargo and firefighting aircraft. In our dialog, Nick is being met at the airport by Harper-Tolland’s sales manager in the Ukraine, Oksana Ivanchuk.


1) Has Nick been to the Ukraine before?
2) What day of the week is it?

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BEP 48 – 勧誘電話: 異論への対応と通話の終了

This is the last in our three-part Business English Podcast series on cold calling. 今日のレッスンで, you’ll learn how to deal with several typical kinds of objections that a potential customer might raise.

When Steve first asked for an appointment, Linda didn’t agree right away, did she? As you know, it’s normal for even a good prospect to give you one or two negative responses, so it’s important to be ready to deal with these and “turn them around” skillfully.

Today we’ll be listening to the last part of the cold calling dialogue between Linda and Steve. あなたが聞くように, pay attention to how Steve turns around Linda’s objections.


1. When Steve asks for an appointment, what is Linda’s first response?
2. What is Linda’s second objection?
3. How does Steve deal with Linda’s objections?

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