
BEP 132 –就職の面接: 電話選考面接

Learn English Interview skills to taking part in a screening interview with a recruiter.

5月 17, 2009

BEP 123 – 交渉: 取引の成立

Learn business english for negotiations and how to close a deal during a negotiation.

12月 6, 2008

BEP 122 – 交渉: 閉塞の克服

Learn business English for negotiations and how to overcome the rejection of a proposal.

11月 1, 2008

BEP 121 – 交渉: 交渉

Learn business English for negotiations and how to bargain to get a good deal.

10月 25, 2008

BEP 118 – 交渉: オファーを断る

Learn business English for negotiations in this lesson on how to decline an offer while maintaining goodwill.

9月 13, 2008